- Arjan Van Timmeren []
- Johanna Varghese [], School of Architecture Planning and Environmental Policy, College of Engineering and Architecture, University College Dublin
- Viktor Varju []
- Viktor Varjú [], HUN-REN Institute for Regional Studies KRTK; MATE VFGI; University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 7621 Pécs, Papnövelde u. 22: Hungary
- Mario Caña Varona [], Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of the Azores
- Csaba Vaszkó [], Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Coal Commission SecretariatLeányka utca 6., 3300 Eger: Hungary
- Xabier Velasco Echeverria
- Marta Horta De Sousa Vergílio [], CIBIO—Research Center in Biodiversity, Genetic Resources/InBIO—Associate Laboratory, University of the Azores
- Valentina Vittiglio [], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
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