Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19
European urban system: metropolization and networking
Editorial. The role of networks and clustersin urban and regional development
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 5-8 | Full text
APA: Cotella, G. (2009). Editorial. The role of networks and clustersin urban and regional development. Europa XXI, 19, 5-8.
MLA: Cotella, Giancarlo. "Editorial. The role of networks and clustersin urban and regional development". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 5-8.
Chicago: Cotella, Giancarlo. "Editorial. The role of networks and clustersin urban and regional development". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 5-8.
Harvard: Cotella, G. 2009. "Editorial. The role of networks and clustersin urban and regional development". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 5-8.
Urban networks in Europe: policies, practices, outcomes
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 11-20 | Full text
Abstract Over the past twenty years urban “networking” has become a rule of behaviour in the European Union. This article concerns the development of urban networks within the European urban geography. Urban networks have an important role in disseminating a development model for urban areas by bringing together a diverse range of cities around common problems in order to create common understandings of how to address these problems—the new ‘conventional wisdom’. These networks have also developed a range of different methods “to be active” in order to achieve different territorial outcomes. In that sense, which are the outcomes of those cities that have shown a strong “aptitude in urban networking”?
Keywords: urban networks, cities, Europe, good practicies
APA: Rossignolo, C. (2009). Urban networks in Europe: policies, practices, outcomes. Europa XXI, 19, 11-20.
MLA: Rossignolo, Cristiana. "Urban networks in Europe: policies, practices, outcomes". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 11-20.
Chicago: Rossignolo, Cristiana. "Urban networks in Europe: policies, practices, outcomes". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 11-20.
Harvard: Rossignolo, C. 2009. "Urban networks in Europe: policies, practices, outcomes". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 11-20.
Role of metropolisation in the formation of the globalized Regions
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 21-29 | Full text
Abstract The metropolisation is a morphological version of urbanization and is characterized by the concentration of the different kinds of activity and population in the centres of the country and the growth of the share of population of metropolis agglomeration in the country population. The basis of metropolisation processes and the level of its development are determined by the rank of city and by the corresponding underlying processes of urbanization. The aim of the article is to describe existing processes of metropolization in order to refer them to the situation in Ukraine.
Keywords: metropolisation, region, urbanization, global cities, Global Gates
APA: Pysarenko, S. (2009). Role of metropolisation in the formation of the globalized Regions. Europa XXI, 19, 21-29.
MLA: Pysarenko, Svitlana. "Role of metropolisation in the formation of the globalized Regions". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 21-29.
Chicago: Pysarenko, Svitlana. "Role of metropolisation in the formation of the globalized Regions". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 21-29.
Harvard: Pysarenko, S. 2009. "Role of metropolisation in the formation of the globalized Regions". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 21-29.
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 31-44 | Full text
Abstract Since 1990, Polish municipalities have exercised planning power in terms of deciding on the ways of their economic and spatial development. Results of dynamic and sometimes uncontrolled, spontaneous development processes cross the borders of municipalities bringing problems, that can not be addressed, and solved by one municipality. Polish legislation provides legal basis for cooperation of municipalities: they may establish common goals’ unions and associations in order to deal with problems that are important for more than one municipality. However, experience of the last several years proves that cooperation among municipalities is not an easy task. It creates problems especially within functional urban areas, including metropolitan ones. In this paper, the issue of cooperation among municipalities from the Warsaw Metropolitan Area (WMA) is addressed using the perspective of networking and formulation of common development policy.
Keywords: intermunicipal cooperation, metropolitan areas, networking, management of urban development], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
APA: Grochowski, M. (2009). Cooperation and networking in metropolitan areas from community of problems to community of common interests in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area. Europa XXI, 19, 31-44.
MLA: Grochowski, Mirosław. "Cooperation and networking in metropolitan areas from community of problems to community of common interests in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 31-44.
Chicago: Grochowski, Mirosław. "Cooperation and networking in metropolitan areas from community of problems to community of common interests in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 31-44.
Harvard: Grochowski, M. 2009. "Cooperation and networking in metropolitan areas from community of problems to community of common interests in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 31-44.
“Shrinking city” – term to be verified?
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 45-56 | Full text
Abstract City crisis has been a subject of urban debates in both Anglo-Saxon and German space. “Shrinking city” (schrumpfende Stadt) term was developed in Germany and means a persistent urban crisis which is characterized by depopulation and worsening economic conditions. Nowadays, often, the only determinant for calling a city as shrinking is a population decrease. Such understanding might be misleading. In the Author’s view age structure of population is at least as important for the city economic performance and physical development as its quantitative change.
Keywords: urban crisis, urban decline, shrinkig city, cities\' depopulation, Eastern Germany, demographic structure, aging, shrinking society
APA: Cieśla, A. (2009). “Shrinking city” – term to be verified?. Europa XXI, 19, 45-56.
MLA: Cieśla, Agnieszka. "“Shrinking city” – term to be verified?". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 45-56.
Chicago: Cieśla, Agnieszka. "“Shrinking city” – term to be verified?". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 45-56.
Harvard: Cieśla, A. 2009. "“Shrinking city” – term to be verified?". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 45-56.
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 57-70 | Full text
Abstract If it is to be argued that concentrating on providing support to largest urban centres is one of the main methods of stimulating the socio-economic development of Eastern Poland, it would seem necessary to first check, if since 1989, in the conditions of market economy, their so far observed development did indeed have an effect on their hinterland. Using the example of Rzeszów, the capital of Podkarpackie region, the authors delimit the strength, character and directions of impact of a capital of a semi-peripheral region. Basing their reasoning on the research of the range of the daily urban system, a zone of strongest influence and metropolitan effects of Rzeszów was delimited. Next, the dynamics of change in the level of life and the level of development of municipalities in the zone as compared to other areas of the Podkarapackie region were measured. Though as demonstrated by research results, within the area of strong spatial influence of Rzeszów positive spread effects dominate, metropolitan functions in the city’s hinterland are weakly developed.
Keywords: metropolisation, development, hinterland, competitiveness], Instytut Rozwoju Miast i Regionów
APA: Makieła, Z., & Sobala-Gwosdz, A. (2009). The influence of metropolitan areas on regional development. Rzeszów as compared to other metropolitan areas in Eastern Poland. Europa XXI, 19, 57-70.
MLA: Makieła, Zbigniew, and Sobala-Gwosdz, Agnieszka. "The influence of metropolitan areas on regional development. Rzeszów as compared to other metropolitan areas in Eastern Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 57-70.
Chicago: Makieła, Zbigniew, and Sobala-Gwosdz, Agnieszka. "The influence of metropolitan areas on regional development. Rzeszów as compared to other metropolitan areas in Eastern Poland". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 57-70.
Harvard: Makieła, Z., & Sobala-Gwosdz, A. 2009. "The influence of metropolitan areas on regional development. Rzeszów as compared to other metropolitan areas in Eastern Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 57-70.
Spatial analysis of urban network of Wrocław
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 71-89 | Full text
The paper aims to understand the morphological transformation of the urban network of Wrocław caused by the rapid development and urban growth impacts. In an attempt to investigate the reason for morphological transformation of Wrocław urban network, the study focuses on the analysis of their spatial transformation through the comparative syntactic analysis during the historic process of growth of Wrocław. The spatial analysis based on ‘Space Syntax’ theories and techniques.
Keywords: spatial morphology, urban network, urban growth, Space Syntax Theory, Wrocław
APA: Saeid, A., & Masztalski, R. (2009). Spatial analysis of urban network of Wrocław. Europa XXI, 19, 71-89.
MLA: Saeid, Ahmed. A. H., and Masztalski, Robert. "Spatial analysis of urban network of Wrocław". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 71-89.
Chicago: Saeid, Ahmed. A. H., and Masztalski, Robert. "Spatial analysis of urban network of Wrocław". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 71-89.
Harvard: Saeid, A., & Masztalski, R. 2009. "Spatial analysis of urban network of Wrocław". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 71-89.
Evaluation of spatial categories and regional inequalities in the information age
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 93-102 | Full text
Abstract By the appearance of the new innovations of information and communication technologies a transformation process has got started, which have changed our opinion on spatiality. Geographical features and inequality processes as well as the role of information fl ow and ICT infrastructure were altered modern spatial differences. This paper evaluates the spatial characteristics of the information economy and society, and emphasises new elements by the application of the terms of spatial sciences (e.g. space, place, distance etc.). It is also important to describe traditional and new features within the role that information economy and society or ICTs play in regional differences.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, geography of information society, information networks, death of geography, geography matters
APA: Jakobi, . (2009). Evaluation of spatial categories and regional inequalities in the information age. Europa XXI, 19, 93-102.
MLA: Jakobi, Ákos. "Evaluation of spatial categories and regional inequalities in the information age". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 93-102.
Chicago: Jakobi, Ákos. "Evaluation of spatial categories and regional inequalities in the information age". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 93-102.
Harvard: Jakobi, . 2009. "Evaluation of spatial categories and regional inequalities in the information age". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 93-102.
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 103-110 | Full text
Abstract Recently, it has been claimed that spatial inequalities in Hungary had by far not reduced, but signifi cantly increased since 1990. The inefficiency of Hungarian regional development in the reduction of spatial inequalities, in the past two decades has been caused by several different reasons. Functional deficiency of the local institutions of the regional development network is one of the most characteristic reasons, which led to this situation. Network members at the next planning turnover should be able to change the attitudes catalyse the changes necessary, being able to contribute to the realisation of a planning practice based on community development.
Keywords: spatial inequality, network, community development
APA: Jász, K. (2009). Exclusion and networks. The responsibilities of the actors in Hungarian spatial planning for the mitigation of exclusion. Europa XXI, 19, 103-110.
MLA: Jász, Krisztina. "Exclusion and networks. The responsibilities of the actors in Hungarian spatial planning for the mitigation of exclusion". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 103-110.
Chicago: Jász, Krisztina. "Exclusion and networks. The responsibilities of the actors in Hungarian spatial planning for the mitigation of exclusion". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 103-110.
Harvard: Jász, K. 2009. "Exclusion and networks. The responsibilities of the actors in Hungarian spatial planning for the mitigation of exclusion". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 103-110.
Clusters as a tool of cooperation and formation of regional networks: evidences from Slovakia
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 111-126 | Full text
Abstract The importance of developing global and local networks and business clusters between fi rms and companies in order to reach competitiveness has recently become one of the most significant issues in modern economies. Geography plays an important role in this field because it places all these networks into particular space and territory, giving them specific characteristics. In the last two decades, firms and regions have actively engaged in networks to survive in global markets and to pursue sustainable development. However, due to the individualism of companies and the lack of knowledge of potential benefits of networking, cluster theories are still neglected as a tool for enhancing the regions` qualities and competitiveness in less developed countries. Furthermore, the theoretical information is not systematized but rather fragmented, it is insufficient and empirical studies are limited, too. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of networking and to provide a kind of background theory for further empirical research. First of all, it will summarize basic knowledge and theories about clusters and networks based on available literary sources. Clusters are not easy to defi ne and their classification is also not so clear, therefore this paper endeavours to clarify basic definitions, dynamics and typology of clusters and levels of networks so that it can serve as a conceptual frame for further empirical research. Finally, it will try to examine whether such clusters and networks do really exist in the Slovakian context and if they do, then whether they are comparable to those in Western European countries.
Keywords: clusters, cluster policy, regional development, networks, Slovakia
APA: Némethyová, B., & Dolná, Z. (2009). Clusters as a tool of cooperation and formation of regional networks: evidences from Slovakia. Europa XXI, 19, 111-126.
MLA: Némethyová, Barbora, and Dolná, Zuzana. "Clusters as a tool of cooperation and formation of regional networks: evidences from Slovakia". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 111-126.
Chicago: Némethyová, Barbora, and Dolná, Zuzana. "Clusters as a tool of cooperation and formation of regional networks: evidences from Slovakia". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 111-126.
Harvard: Némethyová, B., & Dolná, Z. 2009. "Clusters as a tool of cooperation and formation of regional networks: evidences from Slovakia". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 111-126.
Europa XXI (2009) vol. 19, pp. 127-142 | Full text
Abstract The paper aims at analysing the role of entrepreneurship in the educational strategy of European Union as well as the position of business education in the systems of national education in selected European states in relation to the level of entrepreneurial development in these countries, measured by the indexes of the number of firms per person according to various size classes. An attempt will be made to determine to what degree the guidelines and objectives of business education in particular countries create favourable conditions for growing new firms, especially in the SME sector.
Keywords: enterpreneurship, business education, educational strategy, enterpreneurial development, SMEs, European Union], Institute of Geography Pedagogical University of Kraków Podchorążych 2, 30‑084 Kraków: Poland
[], Department of International Trade & Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship Krakow University of Economics Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków: Poland
APA: Kurek, S., & Rachwał, T. (2009). The role of business education in the development of entrepreneurship in the Member States of the European Union. Europa XXI, 19, 127-142.
MLA: Kurek, Sławomir, and Rachwał, Tomasz. "The role of business education in the development of entrepreneurship in the Member States of the European Union". Europa XXI, vol. 19, 2009, pp. 127-142.
Chicago: Kurek, Sławomir, and Rachwał, Tomasz. "The role of business education in the development of entrepreneurship in the Member States of the European Union". Europa XXI 19 (2009): 127-142.
Harvard: Kurek, S., & Rachwał, T. 2009. "The role of business education in the development of entrepreneurship in the Member States of the European Union". Europa XXI, vol. 19, pp. 127-142.