Michelangelo Russo


Repairing Landscapes toward the Regeneration of Periurban Ecologies. A Living Lab process in the South of Italy

Libera Amenta, Anna Attademo, Gilda Berruti, Maria Federica Palestino, Michelangelo Russo

Europa XXI (2023) vol. 44, pp. 13
doi: https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2023.44.13

Further information


Contemporary metropolitan areas present landscapes in transition towards sustainability, showing a regenerative potential based on their own natural, aesthetic, social, eco-systemic characteristics. This is connected to forms of landscape regeneration, taking into account different structures: spatial features, economic forces, but also communities’ perceptions and imaginaries. This paper unpacks this general question by making reference to some experimentations in the Campania Region in the South of Italy, and by investigating the ecological dimension within an Urban Metabolism approach and through a Living Labs methodology, to achieve communities’ and institutional engagement in the co-creation of knowledge and regeneration strategies.

Keywords: co-creation, ecology, Living Labs, regeneration, repairing, periurban, socio-spatial dimension, transitional landscapes, urban metabolism

Libera Amenta [libera.amenta@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
Anna Attademo [anna.attademo@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
Gilda Berruti [gberruti@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
Maria Federica Palestino [palestin@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
Michelangelo Russo [russomic@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy


APA: Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Berruti, G., Palestino, M., & Russo, M. (2023). Repairing Landscapes toward the Regeneration of Periurban Ecologies. A Living Lab process in the South of Italy. Europa XXI, 44, 13. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2023.44.13
MLA: Amenta, Libera, et al. "Repairing Landscapes toward the Regeneration of Periurban Ecologies. A Living Lab process in the South of Italy". Europa XXI, vol. 44, 2023, pp. 13. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2023.44.13
Chicago: Amenta, Libera, Attademo, Anna, Berruti, Gilda, Palestino, Maria Federica, and Russo, Michelangelo. "Repairing Landscapes toward the Regeneration of Periurban Ecologies. A Living Lab process in the South of Italy". Europa XXI 44 (2023): 13. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2023.44.13
Harvard: Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Berruti, G., Palestino, M., & Russo, M. 2023. "Repairing Landscapes toward the Regeneration of Periurban Ecologies. A Living Lab process in the South of Italy". Europa XXI, vol. 44, pp. 13. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2023.44.13

Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples

Valentina Vittiglio, Silvia Iodice, Libera Amenta, Anna Attademo, Enrico Formato, Michelangelo Russo

Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 23-40 | Full text
doi: https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.2
citation: Vittiglio, V., Iodice, S., Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Formato, F., & Russo, M. (2018). Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples. Europa XXI, 34, 23-40. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.2

Further information


Across Europe, the current system of waste management is responsible for environmental pollution, leading to the need of a transition towards a circular economy model, and towards systemic approaches for achieving sustainable objectives. Interpreting waste as resource – through the development of eco-innovative solutions – can play a positive impact on the quality of life and of the environment. REPAiR1 research project proposes eco-innovative strategies, in order to co-design and assess solutions, involving a series of decisional problems that require the development of Spatial Decision Support System, described in their general structure and with a focus on the REPAiR project.

Keywords: circular economy, eco-innovation, environment, wastescapes, urban living lab, waste, co-design, eo-evaluation

Valentina Vittiglio [vittigliov@gmail.com], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
Silvia Iodice [silvia.iodice@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
Libera Amenta [libera.amenta@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
Anna Attademo [anna.attademo@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
Enrico Formato [e.formato@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
Michelangelo Russo [russomic@unina.it], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy


APA: Vittiglio, V., Iodice, S., Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Formato, E., & Russo, M. (2018). Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples. Europa XXI, 34, 23-40. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.2
MLA: Vittiglio, Valentina, et al. "Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 23-40. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.2
Chicago: Vittiglio, Valentina, Iodice, Silvia, Amenta, Libera, Attademo, Anna, Formato, Enrico, and Russo, Michelangelo. "Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 23-40. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.2
Harvard: Vittiglio, V., Iodice, S., Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Formato, E., & Russo, M. 2018. "Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 23-40. https://doi.org/10.7163/Eu21.2018.34.2