Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20

European union external and internal borders – interactions and networks


Europa XXI 20 (2010), Editorial

Editorial Team

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 5-5 | Full text


Flows of persons and goods across the Polish segment of the outer boundary of the European Union—results of a research project

Tomasz Komornicki

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 9-29 | Full text

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Abstract In the paper the results of research project “Flows of persons and goods across the Polish segment of the outer boundary of the European Union” are presented. Primary objective of the project was to determine the influence exerted by the strengthening of the function of the political boundary (which took place after Poland had entered the European Union) on the magnitude and structure of cross-boundary flows, in spatial perspective. The study concerned the flows of persons, vehicles and goods across three segments of the Polish national boundary, constituting, at the same time, the fragments of the boundary of the Union, namely those with Russia (Kaliningrad district), Belarus and Ukraine. Flows were analysed at the border according to the crossing points and the modes of transport (road and railway border crossings).

Keywords: Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, outer boudary of European Union, flows of persons and goods, road and railway border crossing

Tomasz Komornicki [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland


APA: Komornicki, T. (2010). Flows of persons and goods across the Polish segment of the outer boundary of the European Union—results of a research project. Europa XXI, 20, 9-29.
MLA: Komornicki, Tomasz. "Flows of persons and goods across the Polish segment of the outer boundary of the European Union—results of a research project". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 9-29.
Chicago: Komornicki, Tomasz. "Flows of persons and goods across the Polish segment of the outer boundary of the European Union—results of a research project". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 9-29.
Harvard: Komornicki, T. 2010. "Flows of persons and goods across the Polish segment of the outer boundary of the European Union—results of a research project". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 9-29.

The intensity and the structure of the cross-border traffic at the eastern boundary of Poland on the basis of a field study

Rafał Wiśniewski

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 31-44 | Full text

Further information

Abstract On the basis of data, collected by the Border Guards, it is not possible to determine the detailed geographical structure of vehicle traffic (passenger cars, heavy loads and coaches) crossing the eastern boundary of Poland. The sole source of information on the origin of the vehicles, coming to Poland, is constituted by the field studies. On the basis of such studies, carried out at five border crossing points (with Russia, Kaliningrad district, Belarus and Ukraine) detailed analysis was performed of the traffic of vehicles at the level of counties in Poland and districts in the countries, bordering upon Poland from the East.

Keywords: structure of cross-border traffic, border crossing points, field study, eastern border of Poland

Rafał Wiśniewski [], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN


APA: Wiśniewski, R. (2010). The intensity and the structure of the cross-border traffic at the eastern boundary of Poland on the basis of a field study. Europa XXI, 20, 31-44.
MLA: Wiśniewski, Rafał. "The intensity and the structure of the cross-border traffic at the eastern boundary of Poland on the basis of a field study". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 31-44.
Chicago: Wiśniewski, Rafał. "The intensity and the structure of the cross-border traffic at the eastern boundary of Poland on the basis of a field study". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 31-44.
Harvard: Wiśniewski, R. 2010. "The intensity and the structure of the cross-border traffic at the eastern boundary of Poland on the basis of a field study". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 31-44.

Foreign trade commodity flows across the eastern boundary of Poland

Barbara Szejgiec

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 45-54 | Full text

Further information

Abstract The paper presents the characterisation of turnover in foreign trade across the Polish segment of eastern boundary of the European Union. On the basis of data from the Ministry of Finance the variability was analysed of the volume of foreign trade in the years 2005 and 2007, considering different state borders, border crossing points and directions of trade. These considerations have been broadened by the analysis of the unregistered turnover of the peri-border trade, this analysis being based on the data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS).

Keywords: commodity flows, foreign trade, eastern border of Poland

Barbara Szejgiec [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland


APA: Szejgiec, B. (2010). Foreign trade commodity flows across the eastern boundary of Poland. Europa XXI, 20, 45-54.
MLA: Szejgiec, Barbara. "Foreign trade commodity flows across the eastern boundary of Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 45-54.
Chicago: Szejgiec, Barbara. "Foreign trade commodity flows across the eastern boundary of Poland". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 45-54.
Harvard: Szejgiec, B. 2010. "Foreign trade commodity flows across the eastern boundary of Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 45-54.

Selected problems on Polish-Russian cross-border cooperation based on the example of the Vistula Lagoon

Tadeusz Palmowski

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 55-63 | Full text

Further information

Abstract This paper presents selected problems on Polish-Russian cross-border cooperation based on the example of Vistula Lagoon (historical, political and economical background, environmental factors, relationships after May 1st 2004, when the boundary has been the external European Union border).

Keywords: Vistula Lagoon, cross-border cooperation, border and Baltic shipments

Tadeusz Palmowski [], Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii


APA: Palmowski, T. (2010). Selected problems on Polish-Russian cross-border cooperation based on the example of the Vistula Lagoon. Europa XXI, 20, 55-63.
MLA: Palmowski, Tadeusz. "Selected problems on Polish-Russian cross-border cooperation based on the example of the Vistula Lagoon". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 55-63.
Chicago: Palmowski, Tadeusz. "Selected problems on Polish-Russian cross-border cooperation based on the example of the Vistula Lagoon". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 55-63.
Harvard: Palmowski, T. 2010. "Selected problems on Polish-Russian cross-border cooperation based on the example of the Vistula Lagoon". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 55-63.

Belarusian-Polish trans-boundary regional cooperation: factors and problems of development

Sergej Artemenko

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 65-74 | Full text

Further information

Abstract This paper presents features Belarusian–Polish trans-boundary regional cooperation. The factors and conditions of such cooperation are characterized. The problems in interaction between two countries which have arisen after the introduction of Poland in Shengen zone are marked.

Keywords: trans-boundary regional cooperation, regional relations, euroregions, border transport infrastructure


APA: Artemenko, S. (2010). Belarusian-Polish trans-boundary regional cooperation: factors and problems of development. Europa XXI, 20, 65-74.
MLA: Artemenko, Sergej. "Belarusian-Polish trans-boundary regional cooperation: factors and problems of development". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 65-74.
Chicago: Artemenko, Sergej. "Belarusian-Polish trans-boundary regional cooperation: factors and problems of development". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 65-74.
Harvard: Artemenko, S. 2010. "Belarusian-Polish trans-boundary regional cooperation: factors and problems of development". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 65-74.

The Polish-Ukrainian border as a methodological, cognitive and applicational Challenge

Andrzej Miszczuk

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 75-87 | Full text

Further information

Abstract The national border between Poland and Ukraine is a typical subsequent boundary, delimited after World War II as the then border between Poland and the Soviet Union. Since May 1st 2004, it has been the external European Union border, and since December 21st 2007—of the Schengen Area. It constitutes an interesting research object in terms of its methodological, cognitive and applicational characteristics. This paper comprises deliberations pertaining to the three aspects mentioned above.

Keywords: Polish-Ukrainian borderland, cross-border cooperation, Poland, Ukraine

Andrzej Miszczuk []


APA: Miszczuk, A. (2010). The Polish-Ukrainian border as a methodological, cognitive and applicational Challenge. Europa XXI, 20, 75-87.
MLA: Miszczuk, Andrzej. "The Polish-Ukrainian border as a methodological, cognitive and applicational Challenge". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 75-87.
Chicago: Miszczuk, Andrzej. "The Polish-Ukrainian border as a methodological, cognitive and applicational Challenge". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 75-87.
Harvard: Miszczuk, A. 2010. "The Polish-Ukrainian border as a methodological, cognitive and applicational Challenge". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 75-87.

The International Conditions of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation

Svitlana Pysarenko, Iryna Naslidnyk

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 89-99 | Full text

Further information

Abstract After EU enlargement and its approaching to the Ukrainian borders, the development of cross-border cooperation with neighbor countries–members of EU has become extremely important. The integration processes shift from national to the regional and local levels. The Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation should be aimed at: the intensification of European integration due to the development of the long-term Ukrainian-Polish relations on the innovative basis; the elimination of the institutional obstacles for the structure changes in Ukrainian economy by means of the implementation of the European standards of economic activities; the providing of the maximum possible mobility of technologies, capitals, labor, goods and services; the coordination of strategic programs for boundary regions development in order to enhance their competitive advantages. The cross-border cooperation is restrained by the barriers, such as: political, economical, infrastructural, legal, organizational, social. The current state of the Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation shows that both in Poland and Ukraine there is a need for assuming the complex political, economical, technical, organizational and ecological measures which have to minimize the negative exposures of existing barriers. The boundary situation of regions should be taken as an advantage for social-economy development that has to facilitate the transit potential of the border territories.

Keywords: cross-border cooperation, free movement of persons, commodities, services and capital, political, economic, infrastructural, legal, organizational and technical barriers, investment cooperation, foreign trade, boundary transportation infrastructure, cross


APA: Pysarenko, S., & Naslidnyk, I. (2010). The International Conditions of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation. Europa XXI, 20, 89-99.
MLA: Pysarenko, Svitlana, and Naslidnyk, Iryna. "The International Conditions of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 89-99.
Chicago: Pysarenko, Svitlana, and Naslidnyk, Iryna. "The International Conditions of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 89-99.
Harvard: Pysarenko, S., & Naslidnyk, I. 2010. "The International Conditions of Ukrainian-Polish Cross-Border Cooperation". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 89-99.

Specific features of development of tourism within the areas neighbouring upon the Polish eastern border

Marek Więckowski

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 101-115 | Full text

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The paper presents selected problems of development of tourism within the areas neighbouring upon the Polish eastern border. Currently the boundaries with Belarus, Ukraine and the Kaliningrad district of Russia constitute the outer boundaries of the European Union and the Schengen zone, with strengthened protection and increased difficulty of crossing them. Borders determine the nature of the tourist space and its elements that will develop in frontier regions. First of all the borders constitute spatial barriers for tourism development and movement. On the other hand they often coincide with valuable natural landscapes and a numerous historical and cultural attractions. They possess, therefore, a high tourist potential. In the paper the influence of the most important elements on tourist attractiveness of a border-adjacent area are presented in the case of eastern border area of Poland. Tourism, in the vicinity of eastern boundaries of Poland, is generally characterised by poor tourism-related development and lack of tourist traditions, as well as low degree of recognition as tourist destination. In the transboundary setting, tourism within the eastern borderland is based almost exclusively on the price differentials. These are both trade and transit, as well as short tourist visits.

Keywords: tourism, border, Poland, Schengen zone

Marek Więckowski [], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. S. Leszczyckiego PAN


APA: Więckowski, M. (2010). Specific features of development of tourism within the areas neighbouring upon the Polish eastern border. Europa XXI, 20, 101-115.
MLA: Więckowski, Marek. "Specific features of development of tourism within the areas neighbouring upon the Polish eastern border". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 101-115.
Chicago: Więckowski, Marek. "Specific features of development of tourism within the areas neighbouring upon the Polish eastern border". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 101-115.
Harvard: Więckowski, M. 2010. "Specific features of development of tourism within the areas neighbouring upon the Polish eastern border". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 101-115.

Relationships between actors of transborder co-operation Polish-German borderland case study

Sylwia Dołzbłasz, Andrzej Raczyk

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 119-129 | Full text

Further information

Abstract The study allowed to determine the level of development of transborder co-operation connections, thematic scope and the strength of connections between the partners in the Polish-German border areas. The analysis of actors helped identify institutional settings on both sides of the border (levels of co-operation according to the level of territorial unit and similarity between actors in terms of their formal-legal status). The analysis also covered the spatial aspect of the existing network of connections. The study takes into consideration mutual relationships between the analyzed features. The analysis revealed similarities between institutional network of the co-operating authors and a relatively limited strength of connections. Moreover, the study showed that the type of actors, the strength of connections and thematic scope of jointly realized projects were strongly interconnected.

Sylwia Dołzbłasz [sylwia.dolzblasz@], Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego
Andrzej Raczyk [andrzej.raczyk@], University of Wrocław Pl. Uniwersytecki 1 50‑137 Wrocław: Poland


APA: Dołzbłasz, S., & Raczyk, A. (2010). Relationships between actors of transborder co-operation Polish-German borderland case study. Europa XXI, 20, 119-129.
MLA: Dołzbłasz, Sylwia, and Raczyk, Andrzej. "Relationships between actors of transborder co-operation Polish-German borderland case study". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 119-129.
Chicago: Dołzbłasz, Sylwia, and Raczyk, Andrzej. "Relationships between actors of transborder co-operation Polish-German borderland case study". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 119-129.
Harvard: Dołzbłasz, S., & Raczyk, A. 2010. "Relationships between actors of transborder co-operation Polish-German borderland case study". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 119-129.

Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership

Alexander Tölle

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 131-144 | Full text

Further information

Abstract The globalisation of economic relations in conjunction with the European integration process has resulted in the creation of strategic networks between cities and regions on a transnational level. The overall motivation is to combine strengths and to balance weaknesses in order to compete with other spaces. In this context, the Polish-German “Oder Partnership” created in 2006 between four voivodships and four federal states including Berlin may be interpreted as a transborder strategy to foster economic development in from a European perspective deprived regions. A look on its first steps shows the potentials of the network tool as well as obstacles on the long way to the creation of stable cooperation structures

Keywords: strategic networks, cooperation space, transnational cooperation, European regions, Polish-German cross-border cooperation, Oder Partnership


APA: Tölle, A. (2010). Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership. Europa XXI, 20, 131-144.
MLA: Tölle, Alexander. "Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 131-144.
Chicago: Tölle, Alexander. "Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 131-144.
Harvard: Tölle, A. 2010. "Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 131-144.

Landscape and nature protection in the Czech-German-Polish mining and industrial border region—development and perspectives

Juliane Mathey, Sylke Stutzriemer

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 145-160 | Full text

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Abstract The countryside in the Czech-German-Polish Triangle at the beginning of the 1990s was seriously damaged by a high concentration of mining and industry sites (dumps, mine shafts, extensive erosion from surface mining) as well as suffering from one of the highest emission densities in Europe. The consequences for nature were se-vere (forest damages, water contamination etc.). In view of these problems, cross-border development concepts were drawn up, helping to significantly improve the environ-mental situation. The IOER is currently evaluating the development of the environ-mental situation from 1990 to 2006, looking at such issues as landscape and nature pro-tection and the effects of the cross-border collaboration. Some results are presented in this article.

Keywords: Black Triangle, landscape and nature protection in the Black Triangle


APA: Mathey, J., & Stutzriemer, S. (2010). Landscape and nature protection in the Czech-German-Polish mining and industrial border region—development and perspectives. Europa XXI, 20, 145-160.
MLA: Mathey, Juliane, and Stutzriemer, Sylke. "Landscape and nature protection in the Czech-German-Polish mining and industrial border region—development and perspectives". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 145-160.
Chicago: Mathey, Juliane, and Stutzriemer, Sylke. "Landscape and nature protection in the Czech-German-Polish mining and industrial border region—development and perspectives". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 145-160.
Harvard: Mathey, J., & Stutzriemer, S. 2010. "Landscape and nature protection in the Czech-German-Polish mining and industrial border region—development and perspectives". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 145-160.

Accessibility of selected boundary regions in Slovakia

Daniel Michniak

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 20, pp. 161-173 | Full text

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Abstract This paper presents accessibility of selected boundary regions in Slovakia - Orava, and Humenné located near the boundary with Poland, and region Humenné bordering also on Ukraine. The paper discusses effects of transport infrastructure and regional accessibility on the regional development and the role of different barriers in the development of transport infrastructure. Accessibility of selected regions has been studied from two different aspects: public transport accessibility and individual automobile transport accessibility and at three different spatial levels i.e. the accessibility of selected boundary regions from other countries, accessibility of regional centres (Dolný Kubín and Humenné) from other towns in Slovakia, and accessibility of individual municipalities in regions from regional centres.

Keywords: accessibility, transport infrastructure, public transport, individual automobile transport, boundary regions, Slovakia

Daniel Michniak [], Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences Štefánikova 49, 814 73 Bratislava: Slovak Republic


APA: Michniak, D. (2010). Accessibility of selected boundary regions in Slovakia. Europa XXI, 20, 161-173.
MLA: Michniak, Daniel. "Accessibility of selected boundary regions in Slovakia". Europa XXI, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 161-173.
Chicago: Michniak, Daniel. "Accessibility of selected boundary regions in Slovakia". Europa XXI 20 (2010): 161-173.
Harvard: Michniak, D. 2010. "Accessibility of selected boundary regions in Slovakia". Europa XXI, vol. 20, pp. 161-173.