Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26
The role of territorial capital in development policies
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 5-23 | Full text
Abstract It cannot pass unnoticed that the inner territorial disparities of Central European states, unlike other European countries, show a certain west-east orientation. As the main cause of this phenomenon this contribution presents the fact that the area of Central Europe historically fulfils the function of a transition zone between the West and East, the two sub-regions in Europe. Based on the chosen economic, social and political indicators the article attempts to generalize the dominant spatial gradient of the regional disparities within their territories and to define what determines this state and also which (historical) causes have led to its development.
Keywords: Central Europe, territorial disaparities, regional development, West-East duality, historical geography], Faculty of Education, Department of Geography University of South Bohemia Jeronýmova 10, CZ-37115 České Budějovice: Czech Republic
APA: Nováček, A. (2014). Historical-geographical determinants of the west-east territorial disparities in the Central European countries. Europa XXI, 26, 5-23.
MLA: Nováček, Aleš. "Historical-geographical determinants of the west-east territorial disparities in the Central European countries". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 5-23.
Chicago: Nováček, Aleš. "Historical-geographical determinants of the west-east territorial disparities in the Central European countries". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 5-23.
Harvard: Nováček, A. 2014. "Historical-geographical determinants of the west-east territorial disparities in the Central European countries". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 5-23.
Regionalism as social capital for regional development. Competing views
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 25-35 | Full text
Abstract In the 19th and the first half of the 20th century in Europe regionalism was considered by proponents of nation states as a backward movement which made building of modern states and modernisation processes difficult. In the post-war period in Western Europe some began to conceive the regionalism as a social capital encouraging for economic and social development and as a means for improving public governance. This concept was behind the administrative reform in Poland in 1999 when big quasi autonomous regions were established. In recent years, the economic crisis and political conflicts in some European countries strengthened scepticism about the role of regionalism.
Keywords: regionalism, Europe, European Union, Poland, modernisation, governance, economic efficiency
APA: Szul, R. (2014). Regionalism as social capital for regional development. Competing views. Europa XXI, 26, 25-35.
MLA: Szul, Roman. "Regionalism as social capital for regional development. Competing views". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 25-35.
Chicago: Szul, Roman. "Regionalism as social capital for regional development. Competing views". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 25-35.
Harvard: Szul, R. 2014. "Regionalism as social capital for regional development. Competing views". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 25-35.
Transferring territorial governance in the European Union: Why, what, how and through whom?
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 37-53 | Full text
The field of policy transfer is highly complex. This is particularly true when it comes to territorial governance which is a process integrating several context-dependent policy fields rather than a policy per se. The contribution adopts a conceptual framework developed within the project ESPON TANGO to reflect upon this matter. In particular, it conceptualises distinct modes of policy transfer in the EU, explaining many ways through which a certain territorial governance practice in a given domestic context can reach other context(s) that may apply it. The presented framework is expected to help define what to transfer, how and through whom; in other words (i) what territorial governance elements may be effectively transferred, (ii) what interactive resources may favour the transfer and (iii) what ‘receiving’ stakeholders’ group(s) may constitute the target. Building on this assumption, the contribution reflects upon the potential transferability of territorial governance ‘features’, intended as practical manifestation of good territorial governance in real cases.
Keywords: teritorial governance, policy transfer, good practicies, European Union, Europeanization, ESPON], Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST), Politecnico di Torino 39 Viale Mattioli, 10125 Turin: Italy
APA: Cotella, G. (2014). Transferring territorial governance in the European Union: Why, what, how and through whom?. Europa XXI, 26, 37-53.
MLA: Cotella, Giancarlo. "Transferring territorial governance in the European Union: Why, what, how and through whom?". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 37-53.
Chicago: Cotella, Giancarlo. "Transferring territorial governance in the European Union: Why, what, how and through whom?". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 37-53.
Harvard: Cotella, G. 2014. "Transferring territorial governance in the European Union: Why, what, how and through whom?". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 37-53.
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 55-84 | Full text
Abstract The importance of Poland to the European Union is first and foremost an excellent example of the success of the EU enlargement: a Country in which the benefits of the membership had the effect of dampeningthe euroscepticism and brought stability both on an economic and a political level. At the same time the significant contribution that Poland has brought to the management of difficulties due to the economic crisis is undeniable,not only because its economic structures are facing the global economic downturn in an excellent manner, but mainly because, even in this context, it supports the need for greater cohesion between the various partners.Poland seems to demonstrate a strong European feeling as well as the fact that it defends the way of a combined support to Member States at risk of bankruptcy and it’s making out of itself a promoter of an approach basedon solidarity. The aim of this paper is to explore the Poland’s case on many levels, from the debate concerning the potential of cohesion policy to the need of finding the necessity of reinforcing the economic governance ofthe EU as a whole, new solutions for helping the economies of the European periphery, from the question about a real politic multilevel union to the actual geoeconomics and geopolitical dynamics between the EU and itseastern countries politics. It could be used as an example to the virtuous use of structural funds of the EU and to consider a new approach to reduce regional disparities that takes into consideration local peculiarities. It alsocould represent an important starting point in order to pave the way to new policies and outlining strategies in the search for real convergence.
Keywords: cohesion policy, Europe 2020 Strategy, Poland, European Union, regional policies, convergence, regional growth and development, multilevel governance
APA: Epasto, S. (2014). Convergence and cohesion: the contribution made by Poland to the debate about regional policies of the European Union. Europa XXI, 26, 55-84.
MLA: Epasto, Simona. "Convergence and cohesion: the contribution made by Poland to the debate about regional policies of the European Union". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 55-84.
Chicago: Epasto, Simona. "Convergence and cohesion: the contribution made by Poland to the debate about regional policies of the European Union". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 55-84.
Harvard: Epasto, S. 2014. "Convergence and cohesion: the contribution made by Poland to the debate about regional policies of the European Union". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 55-84.
Obliterating creative capital? Urban governance of creative industries in post-socialist Budapest
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 85-96 | Full text
Abstract One of the disguises of the entrepreneurial city reaching Eastern Europe is what is called the creativity thesis. The author first points out that the idea of the creative city / creative capital has arrived in Hungary withoutany critical voices heard. He then goes on to evaluate some of the recent urban developments in Budapest linked to the idea of creativity. The paper argues that the idea of creative capital has been translated into developmentpractices differently in the Hungarian context, which has also resulted in the obliteration of creative capital. Finally, the author underlines the importance of new perspectives in counteracting the hegemony of the creativecapital thesis.
Keywords: creative city, urban governance, neoliberalism, policy mobilities, Budapest
APA: Czirfusz, M. (2014). Obliterating creative capital? Urban governance of creative industries in post-socialist Budapest. Europa XXI, 26, 85-96.
MLA: Czirfusz, Márton. "Obliterating creative capital? Urban governance of creative industries in post-socialist Budapest". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 85-96.
Chicago: Czirfusz, Márton. "Obliterating creative capital? Urban governance of creative industries in post-socialist Budapest". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 85-96.
Harvard: Czirfusz, M. 2014. "Obliterating creative capital? Urban governance of creative industries in post-socialist Budapest". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 85-96.
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 97-110 | Full text
Abstract Entrepreneurship is one of core social and economic development factor in spatial systems, particularly at regional scale. This article presents results of analyses focused on the place and role of entrepreneurship in theregional development policy in the light of the National Strategy of Regional Development 2010–2020: Regions, Cities, and Rural Areas for Poland (the NSRD 2010-2020). Furthermore, key concepts of the Strategy werecontrasted with entrepreneurship-related concepts presented in the regional development strategies of two other countries – Finland i.e.: Finland’s Regional Development Strategy 2020 (FRDS 2020) and Bulgaria: The NationalRegional Development Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2005-2015 (NRDS 2005-2015). The analysis leads to a conclusion that the role of entrepreneurship in the Polish regional development strategy isunderestimated compared to the position it has in the Finnish and Bulgarian strategies; thus, it is necessary to increase its importance not only in the key assumptions of the strategy but also when implementing theseprinciples of the regional development policy in practice.
Keywords: enterpreneurship, Europe, Poland, regional development, regional policy, strategy], Institute of Geography, Department of Geography of Urban and Rural Areas Pedagogical University of Krakow ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland
[], Department of International Trade & Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship Krakow University of Economics Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków: Poland
APA: Płaziak, M., & Rachwał, T. (2014). The role of entrepreneurship in regional development strategies (based on the Polish National Strategy of Regional Development 2010-2020). Europa XXI, 26, 97-110.
MLA: Płaziak, Monika, and Rachwał, Tomasz. "The role of entrepreneurship in regional development strategies (based on the Polish National Strategy of Regional Development 2010-2020)". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 97-110.
Chicago: Płaziak, Monika, and Rachwał, Tomasz. "The role of entrepreneurship in regional development strategies (based on the Polish National Strategy of Regional Development 2010-2020)". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 97-110.
Harvard: Płaziak, M., & Rachwał, T. 2014. "The role of entrepreneurship in regional development strategies (based on the Polish National Strategy of Regional Development 2010-2020)". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 97-110.
Ukrainian economic growth poles in the era of globalization
Europa XXI (2014) vol. 26, pp. 111-120 | Full text
Abstract Globalization and other 21st century challenges underline the issue of finding effective management decisions and strategies in the field of spatial development, as well as their scientific basis. In Ukraine, there isa number of spatial development challenges associated with the post-Soviet transformation and integration into the world economy. The article considers the possible approaches to the promotion of spatial development policy,preconditions and barriers for its implementation. The internal and external factors of modern socio-economic development and reasons for its polarization are analysed. The trends of urban population changes in differentregions are presented. An approach to the spatial development framework strengthening, vectors of growth poles indication, as well as their selection criteria are presented.
Keywords: spatial development, polycentric development, framework, poles, centres, globalization, funding], Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyrska str., 44, Kyiv, 01054: Ukraine
[], Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyrska str., 44, Kyiv, 01054: Ukraine
APA: Rudenko, L., Gorlenko, I., & Maruniak, E. (2014). Ukrainian economic growth poles in the era of globalization. Europa XXI, 26, 111-120.
MLA: Rudenko, Leonid, et al. "Ukrainian economic growth poles in the era of globalization". Europa XXI, vol. 26, 2014, pp. 111-120.
Chicago: Rudenko, Leonid, Gorlenko, Inga, and Maruniak, Eugenia. "Ukrainian economic growth poles in the era of globalization". Europa XXI 26 (2014): 111-120.
Harvard: Rudenko, L., Gorlenko, I., & Maruniak, E. 2014. "Ukrainian economic growth poles in the era of globalization". Europa XXI, vol. 26, pp. 111-120.