Results 1 - 1 of 1 for Polish-German cross-border cooperation (0.0082 seconds)
Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership [100.00% relevance]
, transnational cooperation, European regions, Polish-German cross-border cooperation, Oder Partnership , … Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership The … XXI (2010) vol. 20 Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership Alexander … 2010) vol. 20, pp. 131-144 | strategic networks, cooperation space, transnational cooperation, European … regions, Polish-German cross-border cooperation, Oder Partnership , Networking in a … transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership, … cooperation, European regions, Polish-German cross-border cooperation, Oder Partnership , Networking in a
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