Europa XXI > Browse journal > All volumes


  • Volume 47 - Current challenges for local spatial planning in EU country systems (2)
  • Volume 46 - Current challenges for local spatial planning in EU country systems (1)


  • Volume 45 - Territorial consequences of war in Ukraine: migration, planning, reconstruction
  • Volume 44 - Geography and the Power of Empathy: Exploring Places Through Friendship. Volume in Memory of Prof. Konrad Czapiewski


  • Volume 43 - Inter-regional linkages and territorial challenges in Europe
  • Volume 42 - The transformation of post-industrial areas and territorial aspects of Just Transition Fund implementation


  • Volume 41 - The Geography and Governance of Infrastructure Provision
  • Volume 40 - New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation


  • Volume 39 - Towards spatial justice – territorial development or marginalization
  • Volume 38 - EU post-2020 territorial policies


  • Volume 37 - Spatial Justice in Europe: Territoriality, Mobility and Peripherality
  • Volume 36 - Marine and coastal space


  • Volume 35 - European territorial governance and national spatial planning practices
  • Volume 34 - Exploring the flows - social, economic and environmental interactions


  • Volume 33 - Territorial capital - different perspectives
  • Volume 32 - Environmental and demographic challenges for territorial development


  • Volume 31 - Changing of spatial structure - production and transport issuses
  • Volume 30 - Territorial uncertainty as a challenge for regional policy in Europe


  • Volume 29 - The impact of climate on some sectors of the economy in Poland and Bulgaria and their adaptation
  • Volume 28 - Road corridors in the natural, social and economic environment


  • Volume 27 - Territorial capital in practice - environmental and social issues
  • Volume 26 - The role of territorial capital in development policies
  • Volume 25 - Applicability of ESPON knowledge in regional and local context


  • Volume 24 - Transport accessibility at regional scale in Europe
  • Volume 23 - Services of general interest in European Union


  • Volume 22 - Territorial development and cohesion at multi-scalar perspective


  • Volume 21 - Environmental and infrastructural networks
  • Volume 20 - European union external and internal borders – interactions and networks


  • Volume 19 - European urban system: metropolization and networking


  • Volume 18 - Territorial dilemmas of socio-economic development in Europe
  • Volume 17 - New functions of rural and industrial space in Central and Eastern Europe


  • Volume 16 - Regional development in Central Europe - cohesion or competitiveness


  • Volume 15 - Regional periphery in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Volume 14 - Core and peripheral regions in Central and Eastern Europe


  • Volume 13 - New spatial relations in new Europe
  • Volume 12 - Central and Eastern Europe : changing spatial patterns of human activity


  • Volume 11 - Przestrzeń Europy , Przestrzeń Unii Europejskiej


  • Volume 10 - Society and environment , Towns and settlement in Europe
  • Volume 9 - Polska i Europa : kształtowanie przestrzeni wolności
  • Volume 8 - European space in the face of enlargement : the West to East European Trajectory project


  • Volume 7 - Slovakia and Poland : urban, social and demographic questions : relations between neighbours


  • Volume 6 - Integracja europejska - dylematy spójności i konwergencji regionalnej


  • Volume 5 - Przestrzeń ekologiczna Polski , Dekolektywizacja rolnictwa i sytuacja zdrowotna w Europie Środkowej, Wschodniej i Południowo-Wschodniej
  • Volume 4 - Powiązania handlowe Polski z Europą , Z debaty o przyszłym kształcie zjednoczonej Europy


  • Volume 3 - Obszary szczególnej troski i nowych możliwości rozwoju na przykładzie Polski i Ukrainy


  • Volume 2 - Przestrzeń Europy Środkowej - przykłady transformacji
  • Volume 1 - Sieć komunikacyjna Polski w europejskich procesach integracyjnych