Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30

Territorial uncertainty as a challenge for regional policy in Europe


Europe’s territorial futures between daydreams and nightmares

Kai Böhme, Christian Lüer

Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30, pp. 5-22 | Full text

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Europe is changing. The grand societal challenges which shape the European development have a considerable influence on our governance systems and the possible development paths in different parts of Europe, its regions and cities. Based on the results of the FP7 research project FLAGSHIP, this article discusses possible governance and territorial futures for Europe – constantly balancing between daydreams and nightmares. The end of this article contains a plea for shared territorial vision for Europe.

Keywords: forward looking analysis, territorial governance, territorial vision, territorial diversity, vision process

Kai Böhme [], Spatial Foresight


APA: Böhme, K., & Lüer, C. (2016). Europe’s territorial futures between daydreams and nightmares. Europa XXI, 30, 5-22.
MLA: Böhme, Kai, and Lüer, Christian. "Europe’s territorial futures between daydreams and nightmares". Europa XXI, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 5-22.
Chicago: Böhme, Kai, and Lüer, Christian. "Europe’s territorial futures between daydreams and nightmares". Europa XXI 30 (2016): 5-22.
Harvard: Böhme, K., & Lüer, C. 2016. "Europe’s territorial futures between daydreams and nightmares". Europa XXI, vol. 30, pp. 5-22.

Cohesion of the European regional space

Marek Proniewski

Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30, pp. 23-40 | Full text

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Abstract The purpose of the EU cohesion policy is to reduce disparities at the level of economic, social and spatial development of the underdeveloped regions. The Europe 2020 Strategy establishesmore growth- and innovation-oriented investments. The main objective of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the differences and dynamics of the EU regions at the NUTS 2 level, characterized by the selected variables in the economic, social and territorial accessibility (transport infrastructure) area to determine the clusters of different levels of disparities in the EU regions (HDI) and transport infrastructure as well as to examine their interdependence. Calculations were based on statistical data acquired from Eurostat databases. The results confirm a distinctively clear inequality of economic development in the European regional space between Central and Eastern Europe as well as Northern and Western Europe regions, with the highest growth of dynamics identified in the regions of the countries that joined the EU in 2007 and 2004. The analysis also identifies the European regions with a high level of spatial cohesion (accessibility) and validates the thesis about the presence of interdependence between the EU regional development and spatial cohesion (accessibility) of the regions.

Keywords: European Union, economic cohesion, social cohesion, spatial cohesion, regional development, HDI, transport infrastructure


APA: Proniewski, M. (2016). Cohesion of the European regional space. Europa XXI, 30, 23-40.
MLA: Proniewski, Marek. "Cohesion of the European regional space". Europa XXI, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 23-40.
Chicago: Proniewski, Marek. "Cohesion of the European regional space". Europa XXI 30 (2016): 23-40.
Harvard: Proniewski, M. 2016. "Cohesion of the European regional space". Europa XXI, vol. 30, pp. 23-40.

Changing institutional framework for spatial planning in the western Balkan region. Evidences from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia

Giancarlo Cotella, Erblin Berisha

Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30, pp. 41-57 | Full text

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Abstract The contribution aims at providing a preliminary insight on the evolution of the institutional framework for spatial planning in the Western Balkan Region since 1989. It does so by proposing a conceptualization of spatial planning domestic contexts as dynamic objects subject to continuous change, and by identifying the main driving forces that contribute to shaping their patterns of change in the geographical area at stake: (i) domestic transition from a centrally planned economic model to a decentralized model based on free market rules, (ii) process of European integration and the Europeanization mechanisms triggered by the latter. On this basis, the authors explore the territorial administration reforms and evolution of spatial planning legislation specific for Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia in the last 25 years in more detail manner, highlighting and discussing both similarities and differences.

Keywords: spatial planning systems, comparative planning studies, Western Balcan Region, transition, European integration, path-dependency

Giancarlo Cotella []


APA: Cotella, G., & Berisha, E. (2016). Changing institutional framework for spatial planning in the western Balkan region. Evidences from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia. Europa XXI, 30, 41-57.
MLA: Cotella, Giancarlo, and Berisha, Erblin. "Changing institutional framework for spatial planning in the western Balkan region. Evidences from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia". Europa XXI, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 41-57.
Chicago: Cotella, Giancarlo, and Berisha, Erblin. "Changing institutional framework for spatial planning in the western Balkan region. Evidences from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia". Europa XXI 30 (2016): 41-57.
Harvard: Cotella, G., & Berisha, E. 2016. "Changing institutional framework for spatial planning in the western Balkan region. Evidences from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia". Europa XXI, vol. 30, pp. 41-57.

Can a biggie get more? The role of regional centres in the process of absorption of European funds in Polish voivodeships

Paweł Churski, Robert Perdał, Tomasz Herodowicz

Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30, pp. 59-76 | Full text

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Abstract This paper seeks to determine the share of Polish regional centres in the absorption of European funds as compared with their regional surroundings. The analysis covered the years 2004-2013 and embraced 18 cities functioning as regional capitals and 16 voivodeships. The research proceeded in three stages. In the first one, the position of the regional capitals was determined against the level of socio-economic development of the country’s poviats. Stage two was devoted to the magnitude and absorption structure of European means in the regional centres. The third part of the procedure covered identification of the place of the regional centres in the process of absorption of EU funds in voivodeships.

Keywords: regional centers, region, absorption of UE funds, Poland

Paweł Churski [], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Space Economy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland
Tomasz Herodowicz [], Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej


APA: Churski, P., Perdał, R., & Herodowicz, T. (2016). Can a biggie get more? The role of regional centres in the process of absorption of European funds in Polish voivodeships. Europa XXI, 30, 59-76.
MLA: Churski, Paweł, et al. "Can a biggie get more? The role of regional centres in the process of absorption of European funds in Polish voivodeships". Europa XXI, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 59-76.
Chicago: Churski, Paweł, Perdał, Robert, and Herodowicz, Tomasz. "Can a biggie get more? The role of regional centres in the process of absorption of European funds in Polish voivodeships". Europa XXI 30 (2016): 59-76.
Harvard: Churski, P., Perdał, R., & Herodowicz, T. 2016. "Can a biggie get more? The role of regional centres in the process of absorption of European funds in Polish voivodeships". Europa XXI, vol. 30, pp. 59-76.

Main Directions of reforming the regional policy in Ukraine

Svitlana Pysarenko

Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30, pp. 77-87 | Full text

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Abstract The urgency of reforming the Ukraine’s regional policy is connected with political and economic challenges, which threaten security of the Ukraine’s territorial integrity, as well as with the need to implement the key provisions of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Reforming the regional policy involves introduction of a new ideology in the state administration for regional development, local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine based on the principle of subsidiarity. The reform provides transformation of the existing two-tier Ukraine’sterritorial structure to three level structure according to NUTS 1, NUTS 2, NUTS 3. Introduction of NUTS in Ukraine can be considered as one of the important steps towards enabling the Ukraine’s accession to the single European Statistical System, which will provide a unified, transparent and effective model of statistical monitoring and based on it – implementation of an effective regional policy.

Keywords: Ukraine, territorial and administrative structure, regional policy, community, district, area


APA: Pysarenko, S. (2016). Main Directions of reforming the regional policy in Ukraine. Europa XXI, 30, 77-87.
MLA: Pysarenko, Svitlana. "Main Directions of reforming the regional policy in Ukraine". Europa XXI, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 77-87.
Chicago: Pysarenko, Svitlana. "Main Directions of reforming the regional policy in Ukraine". Europa XXI 30 (2016): 77-87.
Harvard: Pysarenko, S. 2016. "Main Directions of reforming the regional policy in Ukraine". Europa XXI, vol. 30, pp. 77-87.

Challenges and threats of Ukrainian spatial development on the way to European integration

Leonid Rudenko, Sergiy Lisovsky, Eugenia Maruniak, Yuriy Farion

Europa XXI (2016) vol. 30, pp. 89-107 | Full text

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Abstract Ukraine is going through a complex process of transformational changes. It occurs under the Russian aggression in Donbas and Crimea occupation and with simultaneous aggravation in the global geopolitical situation, emergence of the new confrontation lines and conflicts. Due to some complex factors, Ukraine has overcome a significant number of challenges, including the one in the area of spatial development. The today’s consequences include among others significant polarization of regional development as well as urgent problems of specific areas development (remote regions, coastal zones and mountain area). The paper’s objective is to analyze the framework conditions and key features of spatial integration of Ukraine as a basis for Sustainable Spatial Development Strategy implementation.

Keywords: Ukraine, European integration, sustainable spatial development, regional disparities, challenges and threats, strategy

Leonid Rudenko [], Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyrska str., 44, Kyiv, 01054: Ukraine
Eugenia Maruniak [], Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyrska str., 44, Kyiv, 01054: Ukraine


APA: Rudenko, L., Lisovsky, S., Maruniak, E., & Farion, Y. (2016). Challenges and threats of Ukrainian spatial development on the way to European integration. Europa XXI, 30, 89-107.
MLA: Rudenko, Leonid, et al. "Challenges and threats of Ukrainian spatial development on the way to European integration". Europa XXI, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 89-107.
Chicago: Rudenko, Leonid, Lisovsky, Sergiy, Maruniak, Eugenia, and Farion, Yuriy. "Challenges and threats of Ukrainian spatial development on the way to European integration". Europa XXI 30 (2016): 89-107.
Harvard: Rudenko, L., Lisovsky, S., Maruniak, E., & Farion, Y. 2016. "Challenges and threats of Ukrainian spatial development on the way to European integration". Europa XXI, vol. 30, pp. 89-107.