Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40
New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation
Editorial: New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 5-9 | Full text
citation: Komornicki, T. (2021). Editorial: New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation. Europa XXI, 40, 5-9.
While a gradual increase in the permeability of the boundaries present in Europe was long seen as a linear process irreversible in nature, that situation in fact started to change around 2015. The process that then ensued reflected crises associated with influxes of refugees, the geopolitical situation in Ukraine, and then, from 2020 onwards, the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes might further be set against the two facts that there are, on the one hand, numerous locations in which cross-border or transboundary functional connections have become so strong that mechanisms hitherto acting in support of their development simply fail to suffice; as well as, on the other hand, many near-border areas that remain entirely peripheral. Pandemic circumstances made plain the inadequate level of institutional support extended to the development and functioning of transboundary functional areas, including as regards their labour markets. And so to the articles brought together in the present edition of ‘Europa XXI’, which seek to address the above issues and derived research questions. They do this by way of both general reflection and the concrete results of research carried out on the situations in border areas, as well as the conditioning, level and structure of border traffic. Taken together, the texts presented here incline the reader to conclude that EU support for cross-border or transboundary cooperation needs redefining even in the present, and all the more so as we arrive at further programming periods. The support in question ought to be coordinated more effectively with Cohesion Policy as a whole, while also taking the global geopolitical context into account. It should also address matters of cross-border or transboundary public services, resilience in the face of crisis, and the natural heritage present in or constituted by border zones.
Keywords: border, cross-border and transboundary co-operation, EU Cohesion Policy, Interreg], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
APA: Komornicki, T. (2021). Editorial: New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation. Europa XXI, 40, 5-9.
MLA: Komornicki, Tomasz. "Editorial: New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 5-9.
Chicago: Komornicki, Tomasz. "Editorial: New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 5-9.
Harvard: Komornicki, T. 2021. "Editorial: New challenges for European cross-border and transboundary cooperation". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 5-9.
New approach towards border regions in the Territorial Agenda 2030
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 11-25 | Full text
citation: Jakubowski, A., & Miszczuk, A. (2021). New approach towards border regions in the Territorial Agenda 2030. Europa XXI, 40, 11-25.
Border regions are commonly perceived as peripheral in terms of transport accessibility and socio-economic development. The peripherality has meant that they have been and continue to be beneficiaries of a traditionally understood – i.e. compensatory – paradigm of regional development. To a large extent, this has been the character of the European Union Cohesion Policy to date. However, a new paradigm of regional development, manifested by the Territorial Agenda 2030, is becoming more and more popular. The article debates possible actions to be taken in regions along national borders to achieve their strategic objectives using the multi-level governance and territorial capital concepts and referring to the six priorities of the Territorial Agenda 2030.
Keywords: borderlands, border regions, cross-border regions, regional development, Territorial Agenda 2030], Institute of Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
[], Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Ekonomiczny
APA: Jakubowski, A., & Miszczuk, A. (2021). New approach towards border regions in the Territorial Agenda 2030. Europa XXI, 40, 11-25.
MLA: Jakubowski, Andrzej, and Miszczuk, Andrzej. "New approach towards border regions in the Territorial Agenda 2030". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 11-25.
Chicago: Jakubowski, Andrzej, and Miszczuk, Andrzej. "New approach towards border regions in the Territorial Agenda 2030". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 11-25.
Harvard: Jakubowski, A., & Miszczuk, A. 2021. "New approach towards border regions in the Territorial Agenda 2030". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 11-25.
German stakeholder perspectives on the provision of cross-border public services
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 27-46 | Full text
citation: Dühr, S. (2021). German stakeholder perspectives on the provision of cross-border public services. Europa XXI, 40, 27-46.
Differences in the legal and administrative frameworks of the member states of the European Union (EU) have been identified as presenting major challenges to achieving territorial cohesion. The policy debate culminated in 2018 with a Commission proposal for an EU Regulation on a ‘European Cross-Border Mechanism’ (ECBM). While the proposed legal instrument is still under negotiation, this paper analyses the experiences of stakeholders in Germany’s border regions on navigating obstacles in the provision of cross-border public services. The paper concludes that while more legal certainty for cross-border cooperation would generally be welcome, stakeholders in border regions do consider local and high-level political support; financial incentives to address complex border challenges; and dedicated local and regional ‘policy entrepreneurs’ to be at least as important for realising complex joint projects.
Keywords: border obstacles, cross-border cooperation, cross-border public services, European territorial cooperation, German border regions, services of general interest], University of South Australia, UniSA: Creative
APA: Dühr, S. (2021). German stakeholder perspectives on the provision of cross-border public services. Europa XXI, 40, 27-46.
MLA: Dühr, Stefanie. "German stakeholder perspectives on the provision of cross-border public services". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 27-46.
Chicago: Dühr, Stefanie. "German stakeholder perspectives on the provision of cross-border public services". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 27-46.
Harvard: Dühr, S. 2021. "German stakeholder perspectives on the provision of cross-border public services". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 27-46.
From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 47-69 | Full text
citation: Maruniak, E., & Lisovkyi, S. (2021). From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine. Europa XXI, 40, 47-69.
This article offers a detailed analysis of the content characterising the geopolitical challenges and socio-economic changes that have been facing Ukraine in the years following the Revolution of Dignity, as well as interregional differences. The focus here is on administrative regions of Ukraine that border on to EU Member States, while the special emphasis is on the Ukrainian-Polish border regions, i.e. those in which the cooperation put in place can be regarded as most successful and intensive of all. Furthermore, as gaps to the availability of statistical data are present, the main emphasis has been on case studies, content and SWOT analysis, the search for good practice, and typical patterns of perception as markers of the dynamics present in social space.
Keywords: cross-border cooperation, electoral space, identity, regional development, Poland, social space, Ukraine], Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyrska str., 44, Kyiv, 01054: Ukraine
[], Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
APA: Maruniak, E., & Lisovkyi, S. (2021). From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine. Europa XXI, 40, 47-69.
MLA: Maruniak, Eugenia, and Lisovkyi, Sergiy. "From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 47-69.
Chicago: Maruniak, Eugenia, and Lisovkyi, Sergiy. "From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 47-69.
Harvard: Maruniak, E., & Lisovkyi, S. 2021. "From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 47-69.
The Dissension over the Logic of European Cohesion Policy. The Core-Periphery Divide and the Impact on European Integration
Europa XXI (2020) vol. 38
The Green Line in Cyprus: external border or internal discontinuity of the EU?
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 71-82 | Full text
citation: Le Mouel, P. (2021). The Green Line in Cyprus: external border or internal discontinuity of the EU? Europa XXI, 40, 71-82.
Defining the Cyprus Green Line is a contested issue. Since the accession to the European Union of the Republic of Cyprus (RoC) in 2004, the EU has had to balance between two conflicting definitions of the Green Line. The first, set by international law and the United Nations (UN) resolutions, is that of a peace line that is only a temporary internal discontinuity within the RoC, separating both communities until a settlement is agreed. The second, championed by Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots’ pseudo-state, is that of an international border between both independent communities. The EU has had to apply both definitions at the same time, legally and pragmatically, which has heavily hindered its own peacebuilding efforts in Cyprus and reduced its actorness in Eastern Mediterranean geopolitics.
Keywords: border, conflict resolution, Cyprus, European Union, Green Line, Turkish Cypriot, Turkey], Département de Géographie – équipe HABITER, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
APA: Le Mouel, P. (2021). The Green Line in Cyprus: external border or internal discontinuity of the EU?. Europa XXI, 40, 71-82.
MLA: Le Mouel, Pierre. "The Green Line in Cyprus: external border or internal discontinuity of the EU?". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 71-82.
Chicago: Le Mouel, Pierre. "The Green Line in Cyprus: external border or internal discontinuity of the EU?". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 71-82.
Harvard: Le Mouel, P. 2021. "The Green Line in Cyprus: external border or internal discontinuity of the EU?". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 71-82.
The role of Poland’s Eastern border in global migration systems
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 83-98 | Full text
citation: Komornicki, T., & Wiśniewski, R. (2021). The role of Poland’s Eastern border in global migration systems. Europa XXI, 40, 83-98.
While Poland has been perceived as a country that mainly receives migrants from the neighbouring Eastern Europe, it is also increasingly now representing an attractive place to work or study for migrants from other countries completely foreign from Poland in terms of their language and culture. However, as data on such international migrations are affected by numerous errors but can be supplemented by long-term statistics on border traffic, the work detailed here has sought: (a) to evaluate longterm trends to the structure of foreign traffic incoming across the country’s eastern border; (b) to identify causes of change in the composition of incoming cross-border traffic in terms of nationality, in relation to the geopolitical situation (pertaining both in Europe and the countries of origin); (c) to define the roles particular sections of Poland’s eastern border play in the migration-pressure context. The study was based on statistical data for the period 1994-2019 obtained from the Polish Border Guard. In an effort to encapsulate current migration tendencies, particular attention was paid to the citizens of Syria, Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq, Bangladesh and India. However, analysis also extended to the inflow of citizens of relatively closer migration origin, i.e. from countries like Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan. In the period under investigation, Poland’s eastern border was found to have been subject to the impact of economic factors (influencing cross-border traffic), while also – over time – becoming ever-more susceptible to geopolitical events (e.g. the crisis in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Europe as a whole). Significant growth was to observed, not only (obviously) in numbers incoming from neighbouring countries, but also where other, non-European countries were concerned. Looked at long-term (over the last 30 years), Poland’s eastern border can be seen to have changed in nature several times, transcending local status in favour of global, but also moving in the opposite direction.
Keywords: border, border traffic, eastern border of Poland, migration], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
[], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN
APA: Komornicki, T., & Wiśniewski, R. (2021). The role of Poland’s Eastern border in global migration systems. Europa XXI, 40, 83-98.
MLA: Komornicki, Tomasz, and Wiśniewski, Rafał. "The role of Poland’s Eastern border in global migration systems". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 83-98.
Chicago: Komornicki, Tomasz, and Wiśniewski, Rafał. "The role of Poland’s Eastern border in global migration systems". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 83-98.
Harvard: Komornicki, T., & Wiśniewski, R. 2021. "The role of Poland’s Eastern border in global migration systems". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 83-98.
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 99-118 | Full text
citation: Nagy, I., Ricz, A., & Fekete, R. (2021). Results of the EU cross-border programme allocations and their geographical implications for border regions of Vojvodina/Serbia in the 2014-2020 programming period. Europa XXI, 40, 99-118.
Researching the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina as a region of Serbia and an European Union (EU) border region, we have long been concerned with the raison d'être of cross-border programmes, their impact, sustainability and long-term results. Against that background, the current study is focused on the results of the 2014-2020 cycle. The region of Vojvodina has neighbouring external borders with three EU Member States. While the partner countries have already applied for almost 100% of the available amounts, the implementation of projects and thus the payment of grants is only 50% effected so far. Our intention has been to examine the Vojvodina region in terms of cross-border programmes based on already completed projects and running along the lines of different Priorities. The Programme Areas of the four (Hungarian-Serbian, Croatian-Serbian, Romanian-Serbian and Serbia-Bosnia and Hercegovina) Cross-border cooperation programmes do overlap significantly. Primarily, we have been researching the territorial distribution of each, by reference to the locations of project owners and of project activities; as well as the related networking character of the projects implemented in Vojvodina in the Interreg-IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) 2014-2020 programming period. It is then in this context that we examine the focal and connection points of the cross-border connections, in this way potentially indicating deficiencies in regard to sustainable project implementation. Without claiming to be exhaustive, we have also sought to reference impeding circumstances relating to a barrier effect that is obviously of particular importance given the fact that external borders of the EU are involved.
Keywords: cross-border cooperation, EU external border, Interreg, IPA, Vojvodina/Serbia], Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, University of NoviSad
[], Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, University of NoviSad
[], Regional Scientific Association
APA: Nagy, I., Ricz, A., & Fekete, R. (2021). Results of the EU cross-border programme allocations and their geographical implications for border regions of Vojvodina/Serbia in the 2014-2020 programming period. Europa XXI, 40, 99-118.
MLA: Nagy, Imre, et al. "Results of the EU cross-border programme allocations and their geographical implications for border regions of Vojvodina/Serbia in the 2014-2020 programming period". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 99-118.
Chicago: Nagy, Imre, Ricz, András, and Fekete, Renata. "Results of the EU cross-border programme allocations and their geographical implications for border regions of Vojvodina/Serbia in the 2014-2020 programming period". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 99-118.
Harvard: Nagy, I., Ricz, A., & Fekete, R. 2021. "Results of the EU cross-border programme allocations and their geographical implications for border regions of Vojvodina/Serbia in the 2014-2020 programming period". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 99-118.
On nations and international boundaries – the Mediterranean case
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 119-126 | Full text
citation: Biger, G. (2021). On nations and international boundaries – the Mediterranean case. Europa XXI, 40, 119-126.
The world seems mainly to comprise nation states that are independent and based on one nation, if sometimes with certain minorities within it. Thus, at first glance the model seems to be of ‘a nation establishing its boundaries’. However, a ‘boundaries that made a nation’ model also in fact exists – in which nations were created after boundaries were laid down. The independent states in the Mediterranean region forming the main subject of study here are found to belong to both of the above models, with the result that they place overall between the European model of ‘nation states’ and the African and Middle Eastern model by which ‘boundaries make nations’.
Keywords: boundaries, historical model, independent states, Mediterranean region, nations], Department of Geography and Human Environment Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv: Israel
APA: Biger, G. (2021). On nations and international boundaries – the Mediterranean case. Europa XXI, 40, 119-126.
MLA: Biger, Gideon. "On nations and international boundaries – the Mediterranean case". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 119-126.
Chicago: Biger, Gideon. "On nations and international boundaries – the Mediterranean case". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 119-126.
Harvard: Biger, G. 2021. "On nations and international boundaries – the Mediterranean case". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 119-126.
The macro-regionalisation of the western Mediterranean, between renewal and uncompletion
Europa XXI (2020) vol. 38
EU macro-regional strategies for the Baltic Sea Region after 2020. A nutshell of beauty and possibilities
Europa XXI (2020) vol. 38
Sustainable Transport for Border Areas in the European Union
Europa XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 127-136 | Full text
citation: Więckowski, M. (2021). Sustainable Transport for Border Areas in the European Union. Europa XXI, 40, 127-136.
This paper seeks to offer a critical discussion of conceptual ideas of sustainability that link transport with borderlands. In recent decades, European border regions have been subject to a steady process of transformation. New sustainable ideas are among the most important paradigms where the future development of borderlands is concerned, with transport considered key. In this paper, the author seeks to demonstrate the way in which sustainability has been characterised by environmental, economic and social aspects that each have their own special relevance to borderland development of transport.
Keywords: borderland, European Union, sustainability, transport], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. S. Leszczyckiego PAN
APA: Więckowski, M. (2021). Sustainable Transport for Border Areas in the European Union. Europa XXI, 40, 127-136.
MLA: Więckowski, Marek. "Sustainable Transport for Border Areas in the European Union". Europa XXI, vol. 40, 2021, pp. 127-136.
Chicago: Więckowski, Marek. "Sustainable Transport for Border Areas in the European Union". Europa XXI 40 (2021): 127-136.
Harvard: Więckowski, M. 2021. "Sustainable Transport for Border Areas in the European Union". Europa XXI, vol. 40, pp. 127-136.