Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34
Exploring the flows - social, economic and environmental interactions
Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 5-22 | Full text
citation: Sond, Y., Gil, J., Wandl, A., & Van Timmeren, A. (2018). Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design. Europa XXI, 34, 5-22.
Urban metabolism is a multi-disciplinary approach to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate resource flows in urban systems, which aims to provide important insights into the dynamics of cities to make them more ecologically responsible. It has been also introduced into the urban design domain, however most of the attempts concern only tracking of energy and/or material flows to reduce environmental impacts by redesigning closed loops in a specific area. The hypothesis of this paper is that the concept of urban metabolism, and its indicators, could play an important role in advancing the science and practice related to sustainability in urban design and development. At the moment, however we lack indicators to support evaluation of urban design related decisions from the perspective of urban metabolism. The aim of this paper is to explore the application of urban metabolism indicators in urban design based on their characteristics. It reviews development periods of the concept and analytical models of urban metabolism, in order to identify crucial urban metabolism indicators for urban design. Next, these urban metabolism indicators are classified regarding type of analytical model, accounting method, indicator type, and indicator level. Finally, several suggestions are offered on how to integrate urban metabolism indicators into urban design. In addition, directions for future research on the topic are discussed.
Keywords: urban metabokism indicator, sustainable urban development, urban design], Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology
[], Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology
[], Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft: The Netherlands
APA: Song, Y., Gil, J., Wandl, A., & Van Timmeren, A. (2018). Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design. Europa XXI, 34, 5-22.
MLA: Song, Yan, et al. "Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 5-22.
Chicago: Song, Yan, Gil, Jorge, Wandl, Alexander, and Van Timmeren, Arjan. "Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 5-22.
Harvard: Song, Y., Gil, J., Wandl, A., & Van Timmeren, A. 2018. "Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 5-22.
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 23-40 | Full text
citation: Vittiglio, V., Iodice, S., Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Formato, F., & Russo, M. (2018). Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples. Europa XXI, 34, 23-40.
Across Europe, the current system of waste management is responsible for environmental pollution, leading to the need of a transition towards a circular economy model, and towards systemic approaches for achieving sustainable objectives. Interpreting waste as resource – through the development of eco-innovative solutions – can play a positive impact on the quality of life and of the environment. REPAiR1 research project proposes eco-innovative strategies, in order to co-design and assess solutions, involving a series of decisional problems that require the development of Spatial Decision Support System, described in their general structure and with a focus on the REPAiR project.
Keywords: circular economy, eco-innovation, environment, wastescapes, urban living lab, waste, co-design, eo-evaluation], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
[], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
[], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
[], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
[], Department of Architecture, University of Naples
[], Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II Via Toledo 402, 80134 Naples: Italy
APA: Vittiglio, V., Iodice, S., Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Formato, E., & Russo, M. (2018). Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples. Europa XXI, 34, 23-40.
MLA: Vittiglio, Valentina, et al. "Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 23-40.
Chicago: Vittiglio, Valentina, Iodice, Silvia, Amenta, Libera, Attademo, Anna, Formato, Enrico, and Russo, Michelangelo. "Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 23-40.
Harvard: Vittiglio, V., Iodice, S., Amenta, L., Attademo, A., Formato, E., & Russo, M. 2018. "Eco-innovative strategies towards peri-urban sustainability: the case study of the metropolitan area of Naples". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 23-40.
Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 41-58 | Full text
citation: Meier-Dallach, H.-P., & Heinickel, G. (2018). Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future. Europa XXI, 34, 41-58.
The modern social, economic and communication flows change profoundly the development of spaces, their borders and boundaries, and affect the channels of flow between regions and the national, transnational and global society. The paper offers a reflection about the developments at the top of geographic and social scientific research as well as a reference to the agenda of spatial planning and politics. Therefore this article focuses on theoretical aspects of the “fluid society” but emphasizes also the need to learn from empirical insights and practical issues in the context of Polish-Swiss cooperation projects. It concludes however, that regional spaces under the auspices of modern flows are not unicoloured. That wants to say: they are not passive entities of modernisation, but keep their manifold, multicoloured characteristics – and these characteristics interact in the form of identities, cohesion and the natural backdrop with significant effects on those flows, enabling and steering modernisation strategies, and deciding about successes or failures of investments into traffic, tourism and economies. By that they shape the flows from and into peripheral regions.
Keywords: fluid society, regional development, Cultural diversity, regiona/local identities, social cohesion, regressive turns, progressive strategies, cyclic/transgressive deveopments], Cultur Prospectiv/World Drives
[], ScienceScapes Berlin
APA: Meier-Dallach, H., & Heinickel, G. (2018). Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future. Europa XXI, 34, 41-58.
MLA: Meier-Dallach, Hans-Peter, and Heinickel, Gunter. "Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 41-58.
Chicago: Meier-Dallach, Hans-Peter, and Heinickel, Gunter. "Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 41-58.
Harvard: Meier-Dallach, H., & Heinickel, G. 2018. "Panta rhei? Space of flows in the era of anthropocene and outlooks into a multi-coloured future". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 41-58.
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 59-78 | Full text
citation: Starikova, A. (2018). Population mobility in Bavaria: spatio-temporal features and migration flows in the early 21st century. Europa XXI, 34, 59-78.
The article presents the results of population mobility research at the territory of Bavaria. Different types of migration flows (resettlements, commuting, educational migration, etc.) within municipalities and through their borders, as well as between Bavaria and other parts of the country are analyzed. Spacetime features of population mobility are revealed. Main methods of analysis include delimitation of migration systems and calculation of human activity density. The study found that scale of population mobility within Bavaria is larger than migratory exchange with other parts of Germany. Commuting and other types of return population mobility take more important positions in the regional migration process.
Keywords: population mobility, non-return migration, commuting, educational migation, Bavaria], Department of Social and Economic Geography, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
APA: Starikova, A. (2018). Population mobility in Bavaria: spatio-temporal features and migration flows in the early 21st century. Europa XXI, 34, 59-78.
MLA: Starikova, Alexandra. "Population mobility in Bavaria: spatio-temporal features and migration flows in the early 21st century". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 59-78.
Chicago: Starikova, Alexandra. "Population mobility in Bavaria: spatio-temporal features and migration flows in the early 21st century". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 59-78.
Harvard: Starikova, A. 2018. "Population mobility in Bavaria: spatio-temporal features and migration flows in the early 21st century". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 59-78.
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 79-93 | Full text
citation: Jurkowski, W., & Smolarski, M. (2018). The impact of transport supply on passenger volume characterising regional rail transport in Lower Silesia. Europa XXI, 34, 79-93.
Factors affecting passenger behaviour can be divided into the internal (relating to transport supply) and the external (which are independent of carriers). The literature emphasises that, as rail transport develops, supply becomes comparable along many routes, leaving external factors to be regarded as increasingly important. In contrast, the authors of this article consider that deregulation and transformation of the rail transport system in Poland have ensured that internal factors continue to exert the primary influence on passenger behaviour in this country. The work detailed in this article has thus sought to demonstrate the impact of transport supply on passenger volume at individual stations in those towns and cities of the region of Lower Silesia that have access to rail passenger transport throughout the year.
Keywords: transport supply, tavel behaviour, passenger volume, rail transport], Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalneg
[], Department of Spatial Management, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, University of Wrocław
APA: Jurkowski, W., & Smolarski, M. (2018). The impact of transport supply on passenger volume characterising regional rail transport in Lower Silesia. Europa XXI, 34, 79-93.
MLA: Jurkowski, Wojciech, and Smolarski, Mateusz. "The impact of transport supply on passenger volume characterising regional rail transport in Lower Silesia". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 79-93.
Chicago: Jurkowski, Wojciech, and Smolarski, Mateusz. "The impact of transport supply on passenger volume characterising regional rail transport in Lower Silesia". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 79-93.
Harvard: Jurkowski, W., & Smolarski, M. 2018. "The impact of transport supply on passenger volume characterising regional rail transport in Lower Silesia". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 79-93.
Network development of the world’s high-speed railways
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 95-112 | Full text
citation: Tarkhov, S. A. (2018). Network development of the world’s high-speed railways. Europa XXI, 34, 95-112.
The first high-speed railway appeared in 1964 in Japan, which was the leader in this business up to its economic crisis in the 1990s. Certain European countries developed these railways in 1980-90s, and some other Asian states also joined this club. China commenced with the construction of its high-speed railways in the 2000s, transforming itself into the world’s new leader in the field. This article is dedicated to a geographical analysis of the network development of high-speed railways in the years 1964-2017. Graph theory methods (network analysis) are applied to compare processes of development.
Keywords: railways, high-speed railways, topological strucure, network analysis], Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
APA: Tarkhov, S. (2018). Network development of the world’s high-speed railways. Europa XXI, 34, 95-112.
MLA: Tarkhov, Sergey Anatolyevich. "Network development of the world’s high-speed railways". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 95-112.
Chicago: Tarkhov, Sergey Anatolyevich. "Network development of the world’s high-speed railways". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 95-112.
Harvard: Tarkhov, S. 2018. "Network development of the world’s high-speed railways". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 95-112.
Export activity patterns of border regions in Poland
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 113-122 | Full text
citation: Szejgiec-Kolenda, B. (2018). Export activity patterns of border regions in Poland. Europa XXI, 34, 113-122.
The study presents a brief review of Polish border regions’ participation in the global economy in 2013 based on export linkages at the local level (LAU 1). The paper offers an extended understanding of the export activity of intermediaries in foreign trade comparing to manufacturing companies. Results confirm the relatively greater importance of intermediaries activity in border areas, especially at the eastern border.
Keywords: border regions, intermediaries in foreign trade, firm localisation, regional exports], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation, Polish Academy of Sciences Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw: Poland
APA: Szejgiec-Kolenda, B. (2018). Export activity patterns of border regions in Poland. Europa XXI, 34, 113-122.
MLA: Szejgiec-Kolenda, Barbara. "Export activity patterns of border regions in Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 113-122.
Chicago: Szejgiec-Kolenda, Barbara. "Export activity patterns of border regions in Poland". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 113-122.
Harvard: Szejgiec-Kolenda, B. 2018. "Export activity patterns of border regions in Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 113-122.
Europa XXI (2018) vol. 34, pp. 123-126 | Full text
citation: Böhme, K. (2018). Book Review: Territorial Cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare. Lessons from the Baltic Tiger. Edited by: J. Bradley and J. Zaucha. Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański. Katedra Makroekonomii, 2017 ; 261 pages, ISBN 978-83-944797-4-9. Europa XXI, 34, 123-126.], Spatial Foresight
APA: Böhme, K. (2018). Book Review: Territorial Cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare. Lessons from the Baltic Tiger. Edited by: J. Bradley and J. Zaucha. Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański. Katedra Makroekonomii, 2017 ; 261 pages, ISBN 978-83-944797-4-9. Europa XXI, 34, 123-126.
MLA: Böhme, Kai. "Book Review: Territorial Cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare. Lessons from the Baltic Tiger. Edited by: J. Bradley and J. Zaucha. Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański. Katedra Makroekonomii, 2017 ; 261 pages, ISBN 978-83-944797-4-9". Europa XXI, vol. 34, 2018, pp. 123-126.
Chicago: Böhme, Kai. "Book Review: Territorial Cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare. Lessons from the Baltic Tiger. Edited by: J. Bradley and J. Zaucha. Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański. Katedra Makroekonomii, 2017 ; 261 pages, ISBN 978-83-944797-4-9". Europa XXI 34 (2018): 123-126.
Harvard: Böhme, K. 2018. "Book Review: Territorial Cohesion: A missing link between economic growth and welfare. Lessons from the Baltic Tiger. Edited by: J. Bradley and J. Zaucha. Gdańsk: Uniwersytet Gdański. Katedra Makroekonomii, 2017 ; 261 pages, ISBN 978-83-944797-4-9". Europa XXI, vol. 34, pp. 123-126.