Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39

Towards spatial justice – territorial development or marginalization


System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy

Teodor Gyelník, Gyula Ocskay

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 5-24 | Full text
citation: Gyelník, T., & Ocskay, G. (2020). System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy. Europa XXI, 39, 5-24.

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The aim of the article is to generate a debate on the definition and application of territorial approach of the future cohesion policy of the European Union (EU). Territorial cohesion, its instruments and tools have formed a specific 'paradigm', 'disciplinary matrix' and 'vocabulary'. However, a peculiar dichotomy resonates, namely the global economic competitiveness objective of the EU is (usually) confronted with the territorial cohesion objectives of the EU. Permanent failure is generated and anomalies of territorial cohesion paradigm are on the rise. Are we at the threshold of a new scientific revolution inside the EU and within its territorial cohesion matrix?

Keywords: Cohesion Policy, European Union, matrix, member states, paradigm, scientific revolution, territoriality

Teodor Gyelník [], Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives
Gyula Ocskay [], Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives


APA: Gyelník, T., & Ocskay, G. (2020). System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy. Europa XXI, 39, 5-24.
MLA: Gyelník, Teodor, and Ocskay, Gyula. "System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 5-24.
Chicago: Gyelník, Teodor, and Ocskay, Gyula. "System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 5-24.
Harvard: Gyelník, T., & Ocskay, G. 2020. "System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 5-24.

Territorial inequality and spatial justice. How level is the sustainable development playing field?

Alys Solly

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 25-43 | Full text
citation: Solly, A. (2020). Territorial inequality and spatial justice. How level is the sustainable development playing field? Europa XXI, 39, 25-43.

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Currently, inequality levels are on the rise although the spatial dimension of social, economic and environmental justice is also gaining prominence. At the same time, progressive institutional changes are underway in many cities and regions. This paper looks at these paradigm shifts through the lenses of sustainable well-being and of spatial justice. It also reflects on the concepts of territorial disparity and scarcity of resources, as well as on the challenges of assessing spatial justice. Finally, the paper discusses the role of spatial planning in tackling these issues, in the light of current approaches to sustainable development such as the circular economy.

Keywords: inequality, spatial justice, sustainable development, well-being

Alys Solly [], Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino


APA: Solly, A. (2020). Territorial inequality and spatial justice. How level is the sustainable development playing field?. Europa XXI, 39, 25-43.
MLA: Solly, Alys. "Territorial inequality and spatial justice. How level is the sustainable development playing field?". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 25-43.
Chicago: Solly, Alys. "Territorial inequality and spatial justice. How level is the sustainable development playing field?". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 25-43.
Harvard: Solly, A. 2020. "Territorial inequality and spatial justice. How level is the sustainable development playing field?". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 25-43.

Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology

Andrzej Jakubowski

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 45-62 | Full text
citation: Jakubowski, A. (2020). Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology. Europa XXI, 39, 45-62.

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The article aims to characterise the phenomenon, determine the degree, and analyse the dynamics and directions of change in the level of asymmetry of economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union (EU) based on GDP per capita (PPP). It also aims to propose a typology of cross-border areas in the EU considering the above criteria. The obtained results show that despite a relatively evident reduction of the level of asymmetry of economic development in many cases in the period 1990-2015, and particularly after 2004, many cross-border areas show significant disparities in the economic sphere. Moreover, the dynamics of the observed transformations remain spatially differentiated.

Keywords: asymmetry, borderlands, cohesion, cohesion policy, cross-border areas, disparities, European Union

Andrzej Jakubowski [], Institute of Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University


APA: Jakubowski, A. (2020). Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology. Europa XXI, 39, 45-62.
MLA: Jakubowski, Andrzej. "Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 45-62.
Chicago: Jakubowski, Andrzej. "Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 45-62.
Harvard: Jakubowski, A. 2020. "Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 45-62.

The role of virtual space in ensuring 'fair access' to banking services - results of empirical research conducted in the Polish SME sector

Marek Szczepaniec, Tomasz Jurkiewicz

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 63-81 | Full text
citation: Szczepaniec, M., & Jurkiewicz, T. (2020). The role of virtual space in ensuring 'fair access' to banking services - results of empirical research conducted in the Polish SME sector. Europa XXI, 39, 63-81.

Further information


The aim of this article is to present results of long-term empirical research on the changing behavior of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Poland in the context of spatial exclusion and spatial ‘justice’. Between 2007 and 2015, the authors conducted cyclical research on the financial behavior of SMEs in Poland on large samples. The scope of research on traditional and virtual space covered mainly: the criteria for selecting a bank for current service and the use of various banking services in particular distribution channels. In the researched period, the percentage of indications to convenient location as the most important factor for selecting a bank dropped from 29% to 16%. In the entire period under research, the highest percentage of indications to convenient location as the most important factor for selecting a bank was recorded in the micro enterprises sector. The percentage of entrepreneurs’ indications of fees and commissions as the most important factor in choosing a bank increased from 28% to 36%. Price parameters became the most important factor of bank selection in the SME sector. Virtual space was used primarily to distribute less complex banking services (checking the account balance and viewing the history of operations on the account, as well as to make transfers). In the case of more complex products, such as deposits or loans, traditional banking branches were preferred. In contrast to the results of the American research (Degryse & Ongena, 2002), in Poland there was no impact of the distance between the company and the bank branch on the loan utilization rates and the loan refusal rates. The research has shown that the virtual space equalizes the opportunities, facilitates business operations, contributes to a drop in prices and improvement in quality of the offered products and services, and renders the access to products and services fairer.

Keywords: fair access, internet banking, SME, spatial justice, traditional banking, virtual space

Marek Szczepaniec [], Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk
Tomasz Jurkiewicz [], Faculty of Management, University of Gdańsk


APA: Szczepaniec, M., & Jurkiewicz, T. (2020). The role of virtual space in ensuring 'fair access' to banking services - results of empirical research conducted in the Polish SME sector. Europa XXI, 39, 63-81.
MLA: Szczepaniec, Marek, and Jurkiewicz, Tomasz. "The role of virtual space in ensuring 'fair access' to banking services - results of empirical research conducted in the Polish SME sector". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 63-81.
Chicago: Szczepaniec, Marek, and Jurkiewicz, Tomasz. "The role of virtual space in ensuring 'fair access' to banking services - results of empirical research conducted in the Polish SME sector". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 63-81.
Harvard: Szczepaniec, M., & Jurkiewicz, T. 2020. "The role of virtual space in ensuring 'fair access' to banking services - results of empirical research conducted in the Polish SME sector". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 63-81.

Social dimensions to the public transport system in Kyiv

Olena Dronova

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 83-98 | Full text
citation: Dronova, O. (2020). Social dimensions to the public transport system in Kyiv. Europa XXI, 39, 83-98.

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This paper focuses on distinctive features of accessibility, passenger flow and sustainability asregards public transport in Kyiv, Ukraine. In investigating the impacts of a transport system on city-dwellersa key concept is accessibility. The analysis included here identifies clear patterns to the individual factorsthat influence commuting time. Since the city’s system of public transport is underdeveloped, the mainunderlying factor is the presence of metro lines. An analysis of the metro passenger-traffic system confirmsthe persistent presence of territorial disparities in the city’s transport network. Furthermore, levelsof safety, environmental friendliness and comfort experienced gain reflection in a low level of consumerconfidence in the city’s transport system, as well as its limited sustainability. Priority measures by which the current situation might be improved are therefore discussed.

Keywords: public transport, accessibility, traffic flows, sustainability, Kyiv, Ukraine

Olena Dronova [], Department of Economic and Social Geography, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


APA: Dronova, O. (2020). Social dimensions to the public transport system in Kyiv. Europa XXI, 39, 83-98.
MLA: Dronova, Olena. "Social dimensions to the public transport system in Kyiv". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 83-98.
Chicago: Dronova, Olena. "Social dimensions to the public transport system in Kyiv". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 83-98.
Harvard: Dronova, O. 2020. "Social dimensions to the public transport system in Kyiv". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 83-98.

The Colombian city of Medellín: discussing the impact of social urbanism

Ewelina Biczyńska

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 99-120 | Full text
citation: Biczyńska, E. (2020). Colombian city of Medellín: discussing social urbanism's social impact. Europa XXI, 39, 99-120. https//

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While the Colombian city of Medellín used to be infamous as the world’s most violent (1991), a more recent image is as the most innovative (2013). The case of Medellín is thus taken to epitomise possibilities for positive change, with the city being looked up to by others. The particular renown here is as one of the cradles of the so-called ‘social urbanism’, an approach to city-making that aims to resolve social issues by means of interventions in urban space, via infrastructure, public places, etc. However, while the successes of this approach have been acknowledged and vaunted internationally, certain less-successful effects have often tended to be silenced. This paper therefore focuses on the more-shadowy side to social urbanism, and on ways of proceeding that remain in place despite the transformations announced. The aim is thus to contribute to a fact-based discussion on the actual effectiveness of social urbanism in addressing social challenges.

Keywords: gentrification, Medellín, social urbanism, urban transformation

Ewelina Biczyńska [], Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw


APA: Biczyńska, E. (2020). The Colombian city of Medellín: discussing the impact of social urbanism. Europa XXI, 39, 99-120.
MLA: Biczyńska, Ewelina. "The Colombian city of Medellín: discussing the impact of social urbanism". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 99-120.
Chicago: Biczyńska, Ewelina. "The Colombian city of Medellín: discussing the impact of social urbanism". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 99-120.
Harvard: Biczyńska, E. 2020. "The Colombian city of Medellín: discussing the impact of social urbanism". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 99-120.

In memoriam

In Memoriam: Bálint Csatári (1949–2019)

József Lennert, Tomasz Komornicki

Europa XXI (2020) vol. 39, pp. 121-125 | Full text
citation: Lennert, J., Komornicki, T. (2020). In Memoriam: Bálint Csatári (1949–2019). Europa XXI, 39, 121-125.

Further information

József Lennert [], HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán u. 4: Hungary
Tomasz Komornicki [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation, Polish Academy of Sciences Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw: Poland


APA: Lennert, J., & Komornicki, T. (2020). In Memoriam: Bálint Csatári (1949–2019). Europa XXI, 39, 121-125.
MLA: Lennert, József, and Komornicki, Tomasz. "In Memoriam: Bálint Csatári (1949–2019)". Europa XXI, vol. 39, 2020, pp. 121-125.
Chicago: Lennert, József, and Komornicki, Tomasz. "In Memoriam: Bálint Csatári (1949–2019)". Europa XXI 39 (2020): 121-125.
Harvard: Lennert, J., & Komornicki, T. 2020. "In Memoriam: Bálint Csatári (1949–2019)". Europa XXI, vol. 39, pp. 121-125.