Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21

Environmental and infrastructural networks


Europa XXI 21 (2010), Editorial

Editorial Team

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 5-5 | Full text


How can we measure spatial accessibility of the territory of Poland?

Tomasz Komornicki, Piotr Rosik, Przemysław Śleszyński, Wojciech Pomianowski

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 7-17 | Full text

Further information

Abstract Accessibility is widely used term and plays an important role in many scientific fields. It determines the advantage of one location over the other. Although there are different measures and number of studies on accessibility in the world literature, there are relatively few so far in Poland at the national level. The purpose of this article is to present some results of ongoing research that have been carried out at the IGSO PAS in 2007 and 2008. The projects led to development of methods of calculating time accessibility and the multimodal potential accessibility indicator of the area of Poland. The time accessibility is measured by using the isochronic-based and distance-based accessibility measures. The multimodal potential accessibility indicator is meant to be utilized, for evaluating the possible effects of construction and modernization of the transport network that are envisaged in the EU supported operational programs. The measure may be calculated separately for carriage of goods and passengers, the 16 voivodships (provinces of Poland) and four modes of transport (road, railways, inland waterways and air).

Keywords: multimodal accessibility, potential, transport infrastructure, Poland

Tomasz Komornicki [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
Piotr Rosik [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
Przemysław Śleszyński [], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. S. Leszczyckiego PAN
Wojciech Pomianowski [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland


APA: Komornicki, T., Rosik, P., Śleszyński, P., & Pomianowski, W. (2010). How can we measure spatial accessibility of the territory of Poland?. Europa XXI, 21, 7-17.
MLA: Komornicki, Tomasz, et al. "How can we measure spatial accessibility of the territory of Poland?". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 7-17.
Chicago: Komornicki, Tomasz, Rosik, Piotr, Śleszyński, Przemysław, and Pomianowski, Wojciech. "How can we measure spatial accessibility of the territory of Poland?". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 7-17.
Harvard: Komornicki, T., Rosik, P., Śleszyński, P., & Pomianowski, W. 2010. "How can we measure spatial accessibility of the territory of Poland?". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 7-17.

Analysis of public and individual transportation in Czechia: Spatial differentiation and conditional factors

Viktor Kvĕtoň, Miroslav Marada

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 19-30 | Full text

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Abstract The main aim of the article is detailed evaluation of spatial differentiation of transport opportunities, that means supply of public transport connections (bus and train), and household’s equipment by cars at the municipal level. From the methodological point of view there are two main levels of observing: - the analysis of differentiation of transport opportunities through common statistical indicators characterizing the entire set (“Global Statistics”), - using local statistics, specifi cally the method of spatial autocorrelation (LISA procedure). Article content is divided into two parts. The first addresses the evaluation of the state of spatial differentiation. In the second part the text deals with effect of the supposed socio-geographic as well as geo-social factors determined spatial differentiation of transport opportunities. This analysis is done with using “global” correlation analysis (Pearson’s coefficient). Some theoretical remarks about statistical distribution of indicators and summary of results conclude the article.

Keywords: transport, degree and level of automobilization, evaluation, spatial and regional differentiation


APA: Kvĕtoň, V., & Marada, M. (2010). Analysis of public and individual transportation in Czechia: Spatial differentiation and conditional factors. Europa XXI, 21, 19-30.
MLA: Kvĕtoň, Viktor, and Marada, Miroslav. "Analysis of public and individual transportation in Czechia: Spatial differentiation and conditional factors". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 19-30.
Chicago: Kvĕtoň, Viktor, and Marada, Miroslav. "Analysis of public and individual transportation in Czechia: Spatial differentiation and conditional factors". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 19-30.
Harvard: Kvĕtoň, V., & Marada, M. 2010. "Analysis of public and individual transportation in Czechia: Spatial differentiation and conditional factors". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 19-30.

Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of public transport supply in rural regions. Case study of Jeseník region

Igor Ivan, Tomáš Boruta

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 31-45 | Full text

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Abstract Commuting to work, school or basic services is going to be an important living condition in case of the Czech countryside. Level of public transport (PT) service was rapidly decreasing in nineties of the 20th century, which was caused by coincident of a few factors. The main goal of this paper is to analyse of PT supply level in the area in the Jeseník rural region (NUTS4—Jeseník District). The Jeseník region is one of the less developed Czech regions from many aspects (Rumpel et al. 2009), it contains 24 municipalities with approximately 41 000 people. Analysis of PT connections frequencies and connection times in the region has showed quite positive situation during the evaluation of PT local service.

Keywords: rural area, public transport, Jesenik region, walking distance to stop


APA: Ivan, I., & Boruta, T. (2010). Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of public transport supply in rural regions. Case study of Jeseník region. Europa XXI, 21, 31-45.
MLA: Ivan, Igor, and Boruta, Tomáš. "Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of public transport supply in rural regions. Case study of Jeseník region". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 31-45.
Chicago: Ivan, Igor, and Boruta, Tomáš. "Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of public transport supply in rural regions. Case study of Jeseník region". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 31-45.
Harvard: Ivan, I., & Boruta, T. 2010. "Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of public transport supply in rural regions. Case study of Jeseník region". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 31-45.

An elementary school in networks: Contribution to geography of education

Silvie Kučerová, Zdeněk Kučera, Pavel Chromý

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 47-67 | Full text

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Abstract When we speak about the role of infrastructure in networks, traffic corridors or internet might come to our minds. Nevertheless, a school is also a crucial element within local and regional infrastructure, through which many networks are created and reproduced. Moreover, the principle of a school in a network of relationships could be perceived from several different points of view, such as: 1) a school as a part of the educational system, interactions between institutions; 2) a school network in an area unit, its character and connections to other characteristics of the region; 3) the relationships between a school and its local/regional community, including children, parents or representatives of the municipality. Although geography has a lot to say regarding these issues, we find few articles dealing with geography of education, both in Czechia and throughout the world. Therefore, the aim of our contribution is to discuss the position of school within the types of networks mentioned, as an institution, which teaches individuals to act while simultaneously acting in its environment as well. Emphasis is placed on elementary schools and examples of research topics are presented.

Keywords: geography of education, elementary school, spatial relationships, networks, Czechia

Zdeněk Kučera, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2, Czechia
Pavel Chromý, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2, Czechia


APA: Kučerová, S., Kučera, Z., & Chromý, P. (2010). An elementary school in networks: Contribution to geography of education. Europa XXI, 21, 47-67.
MLA: Kučerová, Silvie, et al. "An elementary school in networks: Contribution to geography of education". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 47-67.
Chicago: Kučerová, Silvie, Kučera, Zdeněk, and Chromý, Pavel. "An elementary school in networks: Contribution to geography of education". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 47-67.
Harvard: Kučerová, S., Kučera, Z., & Chromý, P. 2010. "An elementary school in networks: Contribution to geography of education". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 47-67.

Inter universities cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region

Melinda Smahó

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 63-75 | Full text

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Abstract Economic growth and development theories have neglected the role of knowledge and space for a long time. However, it is widely accepted that knowledge has played a more and more important role in economic development, and—due to its spatial characteristics—also in regional development. The aim of this paper is to explore some spatial characteristics of knowledge and their impact on regional development, especially in case of border regions. After some theoretical considerations, the paper investigates the features of universities’ cross-border cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region.

Keywords: knowledge, universities, cross-border cooperation, Austrian-Hungarian border region

Melinda Smahó [ /], Hungarian Research Network Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies West-Hungarian Research Department / Széchenyi István University, Albert Kázmér Agricultural Faculty Mosonmagyaróvár


APA: Smahó, M. (2010). Inter universities cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region. Europa XXI, 21, 63-75.
MLA: Smahó, Melinda. "Inter universities cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 63-75.
Chicago: Smahó, Melinda. "Inter universities cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 63-75.
Harvard: Smahó, M. 2010. "Inter universities cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 63-75.

Protection of ecological corridors in spatial planning documents in Poland implementation problems

Marcin Kozieł, Wiaczesław Michalczuk, Włodzimierz Jędrzejewski, Marcin Górny

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 77-89 | Full text

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Abstract The paper discusses main theoretical and methodological assumptions regarding designation of ecological corridors and determination of their boundaries. It presents a review of concepts of ecological corridors prepared in Poland and draws attention to the lack of legal instruments which would ensure ecological network continuity. The paper discusses the state and scope of works on the implementation of the concept of the Lublin Ecological Network in updated spatial development plan of the Lublin Voivodship.

Keywords: spatial policy, spatial development plan, ecological corridor, ecological network, Lublin voivodship, Poland


APA: Kozieł, M., Michalczuk, W., Jędrzejewski, W., & Górny, M. (2010). Protection of ecological corridors in spatial planning documents in Poland implementation problems. Europa XXI, 21, 77-89.
MLA: Kozieł, Marcin, et al. "Protection of ecological corridors in spatial planning documents in Poland implementation problems". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 77-89.
Chicago: Kozieł, Marcin, Michalczuk, Wiaczesław, Jędrzejewski, Włodzimierz, and Górny, Marcin. "Protection of ecological corridors in spatial planning documents in Poland implementation problems". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 77-89.
Harvard: Kozieł, M., Michalczuk, W., Jędrzejewski, W., & Górny, M. 2010. "Protection of ecological corridors in spatial planning documents in Poland implementation problems". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 77-89.

River valleys as elements of the system of protected areas in the Lublin Administrative District

Wioletta Kałamucka

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 91-101 | Full text

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Abstract This article presents results of the research on the protection of the river valleys of Lublin Voivodeship. To determine the degree of protection of the river valleys cartometric methods based on the available maps and the Ministry of Environment and Offi ce of Spatial Planning in Lublin data are used. The results of researches made that the protected landscape areas are element of the system of protected areas, which includes the highest percentage of river length in region (over 13%). Outside the protected areas, there are 70% of the length of the river. In this system of protection, fragmentation of the valleys is signifi cant. None of the major rivers of the region, including the Vistula and the Bug, is not protected throughout in their length.

Keywords: protected area system, river valleys, Lublin Administrative District


APA: Kałamucka, W. (2010). River valleys as elements of the system of protected areas in the Lublin Administrative District. Europa XXI, 21, 91-101.
MLA: Kałamucka, Wioletta. "River valleys as elements of the system of protected areas in the Lublin Administrative District". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 91-101.
Chicago: Kałamucka, Wioletta. "River valleys as elements of the system of protected areas in the Lublin Administrative District". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 91-101.
Harvard: Kałamucka, W. 2010. "River valleys as elements of the system of protected areas in the Lublin Administrative District". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 91-101.

Environmental conservation in military training areas—source of spatial conflicts?

Tomáš Seidl, Pavel Chromý

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 103-115 | Full text

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Abstract The aim of the paper is to provide the overview of the spatial development conflicts linked with the existence of Military training areas (MTA) in the regional system. Only several places in the Central European space can be called new wilderness. Above all these are the MTA. The environmental history of these spaces went through a deep reversion. Changes in their cultural, political as well as social-economic profile can be compared with the specific belt of the former Iron Curtain zones only. Last two decades were essential for the physical existence of the MTAs. Because of the weak local political power, social capital and wide public support, are most of the decommitted MTAs in a deep conceptual crisis. The presented study finds solutions based on a long lasting research.

Keywords: military area, environmental values, decommittment, core-periphery, Czechia

Pavel Chromý, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2, Czechia


APA: Seidl, T., & Chromý, P. (2010). Environmental conservation in military training areas—source of spatial conflicts?. Europa XXI, 21, 103-115.
MLA: Seidl, Tomáš, and Chromý, Pavel. "Environmental conservation in military training areas—source of spatial conflicts?". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 103-115.
Chicago: Seidl, Tomáš, and Chromý, Pavel. "Environmental conservation in military training areas—source of spatial conflicts?". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 103-115.
Harvard: Seidl, T., & Chromý, P. 2010. "Environmental conservation in military training areas—source of spatial conflicts?". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 103-115.

Regeneration of post-military areas in Poland

Wojciech Jarczewski, Michał Kuryło

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 117-133 | Full text

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Abstract The Polish public space was enriched after 1990 by ca 77,600 ha of post-military land of which 11,861 ha are located in towns and cities. Compact redevelopment areas (former military garrisons, with barracks, hospitals, warehouses, fuel stations etc.) are located in 107 towns. In total, such areas occupy 10,000 ha. In addition, 5 former proving grounds were released and they are not currently used by the Army. The total area of that land is 49,933 ha. Also, 48 former airfields were given up, with the total surface area of 17,000 ha. Such a large surface area has been exceptionally important in the context of land resources (Jarczewski 2009).

Keywords: regeneration, post-military areas, Military Property Agency, new users


APA: Jarczewski, W., & Kuryło, M. (2010). Regeneration of post-military areas in Poland. Europa XXI, 21, 117-133.
MLA: Jarczewski, Wojciech, and Kuryło, Michał. "Regeneration of post-military areas in Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 117-133.
Chicago: Jarczewski, Wojciech, and Kuryło, Michał. "Regeneration of post-military areas in Poland". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 117-133.
Harvard: Jarczewski, W., & Kuryło, M. 2010. "Regeneration of post-military areas in Poland". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 117-133.

The game of pipelines. Opinions on projects of pipelines in european newspapers

Roman Szul

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 135-143 | Full text

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Abstract Opinions on three gas pipeline projects—Nord Stream, South Stream and Nabucco in five European countries: Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are analysed. In Germany there is a consensus that Nord Stream is good for Germany, Russia and Europe; objections of other countries against it are not taken as a serious problem. There is a controversy concerning economic viability and political purposefulness of Nabucco. In Italy the government and business support South Stream and are sceptical about Nabucco while some experts express concern of detrimental effects of South Stream on Nabucco and on solidarity in the EU. In the central European countries there is a conviction that Nord Stream and South Stream are elements of geopolitical game of Russia and that it would be advantageous for the to participate in both South Stream and in Nabucco.

Keywords: gas pipelines, Nord Stream, South Stream, Nabucco, Russia, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria


APA: Szul, R. (2010). The game of pipelines. Opinions on projects of pipelines in european newspapers. Europa XXI, 21, 135-143.
MLA: Szul, Roman. "The game of pipelines. Opinions on projects of pipelines in european newspapers". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 135-143.
Chicago: Szul, Roman. "The game of pipelines. Opinions on projects of pipelines in european newspapers". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 135-143.
Harvard: Szul, R. 2010. "The game of pipelines. Opinions on projects of pipelines in european newspapers". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 135-143.

European regional integration. Case study of Romania

Carmen Beatrice Păuna, Dalina Maria Andrei

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 145-154 | Full text

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Romania after accession to the EU, on 1 January 2007, tried to find a strategy to optimize the integration of our country from economic, social, technological and environmental viewpoint. A context in which Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) help the market economy comes as appropriate to the current world-wide political landscape, but equally create and enlarge contradictions. Romania meat a new inflow of FDI after 2000, surpassing its neighbour countries year after year. But the growth prospects for 2009 continue to deteriorate sharply, as the country is expected to suffer a strong deceleration of both the domestic and the external sectors.

Keywords: regional disparities, European integration, regional development, financial and economic crisis, foreign direct investments, convergence to EU


APA: Păuna, C., & Andrei, D. (2010). European regional integration. Case study of Romania. Europa XXI, 21, 145-154.
MLA: Păuna, Carmen Beatrice, and Andrei, Dalina Maria. "European regional integration. Case study of Romania". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 145-154.
Chicago: Păuna, Carmen Beatrice, and Andrei, Dalina Maria. "European regional integration. Case study of Romania". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 145-154.
Harvard: Păuna, C., & Andrei, D. 2010. "European regional integration. Case study of Romania". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 145-154.

Regional Observatories of Development Policy as a tool for monitoring the efficiency of the cohesion policy

Wojciech Jarczewski

Europa XXI (2010) vol. 21, pp. 155-172 | Full text

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Abstract In the ten new EU-Member States from the Central Europe, similarly to the whole community, the regions establish their Regional Operating Programmes in direct co-operation with the European Commission and thus they can significantly influence the directions of regional development. Responsible programming requires solid foundations for the purpose of evaluation of the projects. Presently, the regions of the new member states suffer from a serious shortage of instruments required for such evaluation. The Regional Development Policy Observatory network could play the role of the supporters of regional authorities in the respective countries. Such Observatories, allowing to monitor the influence of the aid resources on the regional development could be organized in each region, in accordance with the following assumptions: 1) Monitoring and evaluation of the development policy are continuous tasks. 2) The indicators used in monitoring activities and partial evaluations of the influence of the public intervention instruments create a complete system and integrate the existing measurement and evaluation tools applied by regional authorities. 3) Professional and continued operations of the Observatories require institutional approach: in the long term, monitoring institutions should be established, and, with time, they would be transformed into a network of regional think-tanks. 4) The results of analyses and evaluations resulting from the Observatory operation should be made publicly available. It is essential for the form of result presentation, at least in part, to be easily understood by local communities. 5) The development policy evaluations and the consequential revision proposals regarding the regional government interventions should be the objects of regular public debates. A starting point for the preparation of a uniform methodology for the Regional Development Policy Observatories is the assumption that the methodology should be based on three modules: Module I - monitoring of the economic development processes and regional residents’ quality of life. As part of this module, wide-scale analyses of the diversity of social and economic development and the rate of change would be conducted in each region. Module II - measurement and evaluation of public interventions, especially of the absorptions of aid funds and their direct effects. As part of this module, information on possibly all interventions implemented in the regions, with the use of aid funds, would be collected. Module III - presentation of a general evaluation of the regional policy and the evaluation of particular instruments of such policies, and, in particular, description of the influence of the EU programmes on the regional and local development. Module III will be used for the implementation of the basic purpose of the establishment of the Observatories and it will be based on the results of Modules I and II.

Keywords: regional development policy, regional development indicators, monitoring, Poland


APA: Jarczewski, W. (2010). Regional Observatories of Development Policy as a tool for monitoring the efficiency of the cohesion policy. Europa XXI, 21, 155-172.
MLA: Jarczewski, Wojciech. "Regional Observatories of Development Policy as a tool for monitoring the efficiency of the cohesion policy". Europa XXI, vol. 21, 2010, pp. 155-172.
Chicago: Jarczewski, Wojciech. "Regional Observatories of Development Policy as a tool for monitoring the efficiency of the cohesion policy". Europa XXI 21 (2010): 155-172.
Harvard: Jarczewski, W. 2010. "Regional Observatories of Development Policy as a tool for monitoring the efficiency of the cohesion policy". Europa XXI, vol. 21, pp. 155-172.