Results 1 - 3 of 3 for cooperation space (0.0184 seconds)
Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership [100.00% relevance]
Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership The … XXI (2010) vol. 20 Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership Alexander … 2010) vol. 20, pp. 131-144 | strategic networks, cooperation space, transnational cooperation, European … regions, Polish-German cross-border cooperation, Oder Partnership , Networking in a … transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership, … Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership The … . 20 Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership Alexander Tölle … , pp. 131-144 | strategic networks, cooperation space, transnational cooperation, European regions, … , Networking in a transnational cooperation space—the case of the Oder Partnership, Alexander
article/item/12197.html - 13.16 kB
From the Revolution of Dignity to Despair: a Reflection on the Border Regions of Ukraine [30.00% relevance]
XXI (2021) vol. 40, pp. 47-69 | cross-border cooperation, electoral space, identity, regional development … pp. 47-69 | cross-border cooperation, electoral space, identity, regional development, Poland, social
article/item/13096.html - 14.84 kB
Inter universities cooperations in the Austrian-Hungarian border region [20.00% relevance]
. 63-75 | knowledge, universities, cross-border cooperation, Austrian-Hungarian border region , Inter … have neglected the role of knowledge and space for a long time. However, it is widely accepted
article/item/12217.html - 13.46 kB