Results 1 - 2 of 2 for paradigm (0.0050 seconds)
Depopulation as an opportunity, not a threat to cities and regions: a paradigm change [100.00% relevance]
, not a threat to cities and regions: a paradigm change The process of population decline in … , not a threat to cities and regions: a paradigm change Wojciech Janicki Europa XXI (2017) vol. … , not a threat to cities and regions: a paradigm change, Wojciech Janicki, Europa XXI (2017) vol
article/item/12304.html - 13.3 kB
System error. Reflections on the permanent failure of territoriality of the European Cohesion Policy [33.33% relevance]
Policy, European Union, matrix, member states, paradigm, scientific revolution, territoriality , System
article/item/12883.html - 15.63 kB