Results 1 - 2 of 2 for thematic scope (0.0064 seconds)
Relationships between actors of transborder co-operation Polish-German borderland case study [100.00% relevance]
of transborder co-operation connections, thematic scope and the strength of connections between … transborder co-operation connections, thematic scope and the strength of connections between the
article/item/12196.html - 13.31 kB
ESPON as a tool of national and regional policy [100.00% relevance]
) vol. 25, pp. 23-35 | ESPON, regional policy, thematic scope, project applicability , ESPON as a tool … 25, pp. 23-35 | ESPON, regional policy, thematic scope, project applicability , ESPON as a tool of
article/item/12253.html - 12.66 kB