Results 1 - 3 of 3 for cross-border areas (0.0138 seconds)
Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology [100.00% relevance]
Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and … vol. 39 Asymmetry of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and … , borderlands, cohesion, cohesion policy, cross-border areas, disparities, European Union , Asymmetry … of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and … of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology … of the economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology … , cohesion, cohesion policy, cross-border areas, disparities, European Union , Asymmetry of the … economic development of cross-border areas in the European Union: assessment and typology,
article/item/12882.html - 15.3 kB
Premises and barriers associated with cross-border cooperation – evidence from border regions of Poland [75.00% relevance]
Premises and barriers associated with cross-border cooperation – evidence from border regions of … identify the most important premises upon which cross-border cooperation can be established, the conditions … ) vol. 43 Premises and barriers associated with cross-border cooperation – evidence from border regions of … Europa XXI (2022) vol. 43, pp. 4 | border areas, cross-border cooperation, stability of cooperation, Poland , … Premises and barriers associated with cross-border cooperation – evidence from border regions of … Europa XXI (2022) vol. 43, pp. 4 | border areas, cross-border cooperation, stability of
article/item/13575.html - 13.71 kB
Regional periphery in Central and Eastern Europe [37.50% relevance]
, rural areas, transportation, railway network, cross-border relations, areas of success, periphery, land use … cultural landscape, regional development, rural areas, transportation, railway network, cross-border … relations, areas of success, periphery, land use, demography,
article/item/12339.html - 12.65 kB