Europa XXI

Europa XXI encourages the submission of a variety of multidisciplinary analytical, theoretical and methodological articles, in fields ranging from socioeconomic geography, spatial planning, transport geography, regional studies, cohesion policy and political science and economy, through to sociology and cultural studies. Our journal’s main purpose is to discuss territorial aspects of development processes, and to set those various processes and policies against their implications in practice. The focus here is on the dynamics of pan-European and EU systems, as well as those in the CEECs; or even on case studies relating to single regions, where these can prove significant from a global perspective. From time to time, individual issues of Europa XXI also concentrate on particular themes (such as public services or border studies).

Europa XXI has been indexed in the following databases: SCOPUS (since July 2021), ERIH PLUS (since November 2021), RCIN, Crossref, Europeana, Academia BN and BazEkon.

Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please contact us.


CALL FOR PAPERS: 20th anniversary of the EU's biggest enlargement – territorial implications

May 2024 will mark the passage of 20 years since history’s largest in-one-go enlargement of the European Union. That means a special occasion and opportunity to try and arrive at some kind of summary account of the changes of a territorial nature that have taken place, not only in the 10 Acceding States of that time, but also in Europe as a whole. An assessment of the kind needed might be made via a number of different scientific disciplines, through the prism of various theories and concepts, as well as from the points of view of different Member States. A core element here is the territorial dimension to socio-economic convergence.

The Europa XXI Editorial Office has determined that the next edition of the journal must address such a territorially-oriented sum-up and balance sheet for the last 20 years. The new volume will also accompany an upcoming Special Session of the Dublin IGU Congress (within the framework of activity of the Commission on the Geography of Governance). This is why we now invite authors to send in proposal for articles, as well as announcing anticipated appearances at the Session (; call for abstracts closes 12 January 2024).

If you are interested to submit a manuscript, please contact us at:

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CALL FOR PAPERS: Current challenges for local spatial planning in EU country systems

Guest Editor: Maciej J. Nowak – West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

The discussion on the challenges and problems of spatial planning at the local level is hampered by the mutual severe diversity of national systems. However, there is no doubt that membership in the EU provides a basis for comparing and contrasting the solutions of individual countries. EU bodies do not directly influence the shape of local spatial planning solutions. This influence is usually described as indirect, possibly more strongly linked to more sectoral (from the point of view of spatial planning) issues. Nevertheless, there are similar spatial problems in different groups of EU countries, forcing a similar response at the local spatial planning level. In addition, the demands contained in some EU documents (e.g. Territorial Agenda 2030) are also addressed to public authorities at the local level, responsible for spatial planning.

The special issue of the journal 'Europa XXI' will be to isolate the key current issues and barriers concerning the functioning of local spatial planning levels in the European Union countries. The articles can be either a case study of a specific EU country or a comparison of selected solutions in more than one country. In the first option, however, it is advisable to relate both the theory and the presented results to a broader international context. In the second option, it is suggested to present an in-depth concept justifying the possibility of comparing the countries referred to in the article.

If you are interested to submit a manuscript, please contact us at:


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Recent articles

The Role of Business Environment in the Growth and Development of Czechia

Vojtěch Tamáš, Radka Redlichová, Adam Janošec, Ludmila Floková, Nikola Sedlmajerová

Towards a New Typology for Classifying Urban Riverfront Character Sections: Insights from European Cities

Rebeka Petrtýlová, Matej Jaššo

Book Review: Spatial Planning Systems in Europe. Comparison and Trajectories

Alexandru-Ionut Petrișor

Transport network infrastructure in the context of population changes in five EU states (1960–2020)

Piotr Rosik, Tomasz Komornicki, Sławomir Goliszek, Patryk Duma, Marcin Mazur

The project transFORMAT-LINK: Supporting the energy governance of the Austrian National Energy and Climate Plan at the municipal level

Susanne Geissler, Daniel Youssef, Hartmut Dumke

Fragmented Spatial Planning: How the Differential Regional Legislative Framework Influences Land Consumption in Italy

Donato Casavola

Uncovering Spatial Planning Values through Law: Insights from Central East European Planning Systems

Maciej J. Nowak, Andrei Mitrea, Krisztina Filepné Kovács, Evelin Jürgenson, Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Alexandru-Ionut Petrișor, Velislava Simeonova, Małgorzata Blaszke

Collaborative governance across sectors: regional development and tourism as complementary policy fields?

Elisabeth Gruber, Dominik Ebenstreit, Michael Fischer, Florian Grösswang, Martin Heintel, Harald Payer

Book Review: Spatial Planning Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries. Review and Comparison of Selected Issues

Giancarlo Cotella

Recent volumes


  • Volume 48 - 20th anniversary of the EU's biggest enlargement – territorial implications


  • Volume 47 - Current challenges for spatial planning in EU country systems (2)
  • Volume 46 - Current challenges for spatial planning in EU country systems (1)


  • Volume 45 - Territorial consequences of war in Ukraine: migration, planning, reconstruction
  • Volume 44 - Geography and the Power of Empathy: Exploring Places Through Friendship. Volume in Memory of Prof. Konrad Czapiewski


  • Volume 43 - Inter-regional linkages and territorial challenges in Europe
  • Volume 42 - The transformation of post-industrial areas and territorial aspects of Just Transition Fund implementation


  • Volume 41 - The Geography and Governance of Infrastructure Provision